this thread is made for C-groove sak level 2 cancels. although C-groove obviously isn’t her best groove, it’s still fun to mess around with. and since she builds meter so damn quick, and C-groove builds the quickest, she can do some nasty shit in no time.
anyway, i’ll call the 2 qcf + p the super fireball, 2qcf + k the rush super, and the 2qcb + k the ground spin super. all damage numbers are level 2 C-sak vs level 2 C-kyo.
at point blank range, the level 2 super fireball does pitiful damage (2940). the level 2 rush super does 3780. the level 2 ground spin super does 3465.
i don’t even use the level 2 fireball super in my level 2 cancels because it’s pretty much worthless and a waste of meter.
for my combos, i’ll usually start off with a crossup mk, cr lp, cr fp, then the super of choice.
after that setup, i’ll do a level 2 ground spin super, and cancel it into a fp uppercut BEFORE she does the final kick. this keeps the opponent on the ground, which allows for all hits of the uppercut to connect. i also build the meter from the fp uppercut, which is about half a level 1. if i’m in the corner, i’ll do her dp+rh move instead of her fp uppercut for 3 hits and style points:cool:
after that setup, i’ll do a level 2 rush super, and cancel it into either a fp fireball or a hk hurricane kick BEFORE the opponent gets off the ground. the level 2 super itself shouldn’t hit for very long, and it’s all a matter of timing. after she spins around for the SECOND time, i cancel the move into whatever special.
those 2 cancels should get you around 6000+ damage with the crossup stuff included.
any other good ones?