Buying Games at Launch - Yay or Nay?

The irony of that was I was saying “The Cake Is a Lie” in 2013…blame Steam Portal sale and finally having a free evening to run through the first one. Still havne’t touched hte second one outside of the opening.

This is where I’ve gradually gone to. The ONLY exceptions are games that are ‘series’, for instance God of War or DmC, simply because I can get all the series at a ridiculously good price, an then play through them. When I was living by myself due to working out of state from family, I brought my PS3 down with me, I bought the first GoW, beat it and traded it in for the second GoW. Beat it and traded it in for the third one, went through the PSP offerings, then I started Assassain’s Creed (though per advice from RoninChaos and a few others I skipped the first one, don’t feel I missed much so thanks). Though it’s caught up to me as I’ve played AC3 Liberation on my Vita for maybe an hour or two, AC3 for maybe an hour or two, and I just bought AC4 for the Wii U as a sale at TRU ($12) only God knows when I’ll get to those titles.

  • :bluu:

I only buy fighting games and games by rockstar at launch. I might WWE2k15 this year at launch as well

Nay. I rent them through gamefly first and then if I like them, I buy it from GF at a discount. The last time I bought a game at launch was Wrestlemania 21 for the original Xbox and I got so freaking burned by that.

Capcom Fighting Jam was the first game I bought and took back to the shop the next day.

This would have turned me off to all video games forever and ever.

I don’t remember squat about that game short of the T-Rex…what was so bad about it? I only rented it…

  • :bluu:

first day purchases only include games I know a lot of my buddies will be playing online or a MGS title, the rest can suck it

All I remember is the T-Rex and the Lion man; I remember taking it home, playing for a while and then being like “…yo this game is shit”. I was like 14 at the time so I can’t give you an opinion on how it was bad mechanically since I didn’t understand fighters the way I do now. It was just not fun to play and I had thoroughly enjoyed Capcom Fighters that came before it so I’m sure it’s not just me.

Anyone who was around in the psx era should know that wrestling and mma games are slow, boring, clunky pos games that are a ripoff even at 10 bucks.

MMA games are still slow boring clunky POS games, but back in the day the N64 had some supremely awesome wrestling games dude

N64 had the best wrastlin’ games.

Can’t confirm (yet?), but I’ve heard the Saturn wrestling games have still held up?

N64 ones, just like most of its library, haven’t held up.

Ultra SF4 on steam.
day 1 purchase.
deeply regret it.
felt like I paid for it to only induce stick smashing rage.