Button question

I’m going to be purchasing the HRAP3, and want to hook it up with some sanwa’s, but Im not sure which ones it takes.


A bunch of versions there.

I don’t have a HRAP3 but most of the metal sticks are 30mm snap-ins for the main buttons and 24mm for the start and select. Someone else can correct me if I’m wrong.

Thanks. Yeah ill wait for confirmation. Also, if I want to replace the joystick ball top, do I go with the Sanwa 35 or 45?

Yes. Sanwa or Seimitsu 30mm snap ins for play buttons, 24mms for start/select is correct.

Cool. Any idea about the ball top? Looks like 35 and 45 are available. Dont know what to get.

whichever your comfortable with… 35 is the standard