Buffering Supers in ST/AE

Simply put I’ve been having problems comboing crouching shorts to super with Ryu, but for some reason the same technique I use works like a charm with Ken. Could someone let me what is going wrong here? Another question, is cr shortx2 to super with Guile a link or a cancel? Any help here is greatly appreciated. If anyone is wondering I did check this thread http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=92132 first but didn’t really find any answers.

The movement is qcf->d+(button for cancelable normal)->df->f+p/k (whichever activates super). Theoretically…if you’re fast enough, It would also work with tapping (button for cancellable normal) in the df position of the equation, then p/k with stick in the forward position. This technique should be the same for either character, but being that Ken is a flashier, faster-paced character, maybe it has to do with your play style.

Don’t know for sure about Guile, but short->short is a link, and YBH indicates that no crouching kick of Guile’s is super cancelable…so that should also be a link. I could be wrong, tho.

My bad…I was thinking forwards with Guile…good call, BKB. His forwards can link, can’t they (just out of curiosity, now that we’re on the subject)? Or are they a 2-hit move, like roundhouse? Sorry, I’m not a Guile player, but am interested to know.

I know you can link after c.forward, and close forward. I don’t think you can do two c.forward in a row though… can you link super afterwards? No idea.

I’m not a big Guile player either. :sweat:

Well thanks NoAffinity and BKB for the assist and explainations. Diago and Aniken definitely have otherworldly powers of execution with those combos. Back to training mode for me.

^Just a lot of practice. I can do it pretty consistently when practicing, but implementing it in gameplay, under pressure and such…that’s another story. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, I had the same problems when I first tried to learn the timing for super canceling normals into charge supers. Once you get a feel for the timing it’s really easy to do. These combos are useful for boxer, dic, and guile. I never could get them to connect with Dee Jay (I’m pretty sure you cannot connect them with him). The main problem IMO with the execution is you’re either not pressing jab/short fast enough or you’re not doing the super motion fast enough. Remember to start the super motion after the first 2 weak attacks hit. Guile’s is a little harder because of the motion, but as long as you have that timing down then all you have to work on is the super motion. There’s a post on Guile being able to connect c.Fierce, s.FiercexxSuper I have not been able to perform this combo yet.

Erm, for that Guile combo you’ve mentioned surely the first fierce is from a jumpin or is it possible to meaty with crouching fierce and link the standing fierce. Also what exactly is the trick to landing stuff like jumpin fierce, st fierce cancelled to shinkuu with Ryu, yes I know subbing in a crouching forward is more practical, but I want the style bonus, heheh.

You guys are forgetting that it’s easier to buffer supers(using whichever method) with cammy and ken because their motions end at :df: whereas ryu has to do the full :qcf: :qcf:. That’s a huge difference in ST where the super-cancelling window is so small.

As for linking with Guile, I assume it’s theoretically possible to link his super after a close st.:mk: since you can link normals after it. However that would be an absurdly difficult combo to execute since you’d have to incorporate the normal at a neutral point within the super motion and time it such that the ending point of the super motion coincides with the last recovery frame of the normal. Needless to say it’s NOT worth the trouble; assuming it even works. Linking off cr.:mk: probably works, but, taking into account the gimpiness of Guile’s super, it would probably have to be point blank to get full hits.

Just my 2 cents.

Possibly negative edge? jump-in fierce->qfx2 (holding forward position long enough to not get a fireball->press fierce (hold for a few frames)->release fierce. Or, maybe you would have to start the first qcf motion the frame after the jump-in fierce hits, hold forward long enough to not get a fireball, press fierce, do second qcf, release fierce. I’ve done standing stong->super randomly with Ryu, but it was online, very un-precise, and I’ll give more credit to dropped frames and lag for making it happen than I would my own skill.

For ryu just jump in Fierce (dn, dn+tw, tw), wait for a small pause(this is the key to connect a standing fierce), fierce, dn, dn+tw, tw+P. You don’t really have to jump in it just makes for a longer combo.

Welp,thanks to both ShinVega, Duck Strong and NoAffinity for kicking down the info. I now vaguely rememeber reading that cr shortx2 to super with Ryu combos only 50% of the time, or something to that effect. Just wondering why, with the buffering system in ST being so different from new school games, ie CVS2, 3S and the Alpha series, that there are so few threads discussing this stuff. It is definately useful for players coming to ST for the first time like myself. At least this thread is a decent start.