Buffalo, NY- We drink tears as liquid refreshment

good luck dude :slight_smile: :tup:

FINALLY A INTERVIEW thrusday at 2:30!!

Celestein: Will my stick ever be fixed? :(((((((((((


Which versions do you have for ps2? Iā€™ll hit you up on AIM about Reload.

Well I actually need a 360 pcb first, I donā€™t have any laying around as I said, Chris said he was going to give me that one but hasnā€™t actually happened yet. Works fine on PS3 though! For what little good that does you, playing on the ek bak.

Big Richez I need to buy one of the wired 360 pcbā€™s from modchipman myself, if you want to order we can do it together and save on shipping.

Iā€™m not sure if I still have GGXX slash, but I do have AC. I never was into reload

good luck nuni! buss his head! HAHA!

I need a 360 pcb as well, ultimately.

Sooooooo is anyone here interested in getting into Tatsunoko vs Capcom? I was thinking about buying the game to see if i liked the gameplay then follow up that decision with another stick+sanwa buttons purchase if it was something that we could implement into our rotation or would have decent tournaments in the future.

Iā€™ve been playing it, and can always mod a stick to add wii to it(like phil, crab, and my sticks are).

Iā€™m gonna stick to my Wii hate. I gave TvC a chance when in Toronto, didnā€™t like it, it felt like a stiff and boring version of mvc1. Though they added my boy Frank West into the mix and it was tempting to play him alone, i will pass.

I ainā€™t got money for no wiiā€¦ on to the next one! HA! let me know when they port it over to 360. I wanna play Zero :slight_smile:

yo zero is my man. note the name sonnnn ^___^. but definitely not playing tvc unless they port to 360 thatā€™s for sure.


ooohh the memoriesā€¦

ggā€™s kyle lol. thats the longest set ive played in a LOOOONG freaking time.


sooo sexy, i cant wait to do that shit >.<

I canā€™t say I am not looking forward to SSF4, too hype. Hopefully it isnā€™t pushed past UBCon for a release date.

itā€™s april 27th when is UBcon?

iā€™d be willing to try tvc tony. bring it to game night saturday cuz i wont be there thursday

aw crap ubcon is april 9-11 guess thatā€™s out :frowning:

well at least weā€™ll have rumble 4 late may! a good 3-4 weeks to learn ssf4.