Brooks WFB Neutrik RJ45 > USB advice

Hi All,

I’ve been trying to wire up my Brooks wireless fightstick board to my PC for testing.

I’ve followed the Flithypants blog for MC Cthulhu / RJ45 pin out but still having some issues. If someone could steer me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated

Here are the pictures of the wiring I’ve been using

The wiring for Ethernet is 1 Black, 5 White, 6 Green, 8 Red in both cables
From the board the connections go USB B > RJ45 (into Neutrik pass through) > RJ45 to USB A

It seems that the board turns up in Windows as ‘device not recognised’ however I have tested with a USB B > USB A cable without going through the Neutrik with success

Just wondering what I’m doing wrong
The USB A interface is soldered 1 red, 2 white, 3, green, 4 black.

The Neutrik is the following

Neutrik RJ45 Female to RJ45 Female

do you have a multimeter? maybe you’re losing connection at some point within the rj45 interface or the cable is too long (that was a trouble with ps360+)

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Other, very, very common mistake is swapping the data minus and data plus lines around.

What I was mistaking is the assumption that I could use a USB cable to crimp RJ45. I had no luck.

However soldering USB connector to Ethernet cable worked as per the blog posts on

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My finished setup

WIP for the Brooks wireless fighting board