The Brook Retro Board does not work if I leave my arcade stick plugged in to the SNES, but if I unplug the arcade stick and plug it back in to the SNES it starts to work. Does anybody else have this issue? The BX-110 arcade stick and official Nintendo gamepads do not have this issue.
I haven’t tried with SNES. Does it only do this with SNES or other systems as well?
That the same with any Multi-system board, the MC Cthulhu and the PS360+ has the same behavior
I’ve never had to unplug and replug in any of these boards unless it was a dual mod setup that requires a button to be pressed at plugin.
I am not using a dual mod setup. I am using the Retro board alone.
I’m starting to suspect that you have a faulty board. I’m gonna try to pull my snes out of storage this week and see if I notice the same issues you’ve been having.
That would be a huge help. Thanks!