Break 16 at ORBIT Results

None of the games broke 16. Horrible failure on that part but a fun tournament nevertheless.

CAPCOM VS SNK 2 (13 Entrants)
1st - Ratio1beatdown
2nd - Poke Guy
3rd - JS Master
4th - Flightwing
5th - Noodleman
5th - Tigerlee
7th - Nagata Lock II
7th - Arcade Legend
9th - Fobhunter
9th - WB!
9th - DaDesiCanadian
9th - DaflipmastaXV
13th - Scithdeath

MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 (12 Entrants)
1st - JS Master
2nd - G3nn
3rd - DaflipmastaXV
4th - Ratio1beatdown
5th - OmgStorm
5th - Quan
7th - Chun
7th - Joker
9th - Spiral Guy
9th - Deathfist
9th - Lord Magnus
9th - Green

1st - Chun
2nd - JS Master
3rd - Phatestpig
4th - YellowS4
5th - Hugolizard
5th - Louie
7th - G3nn
7th - Gaijinblaze
9th - Eric
9th - Yang
9th - Coveguy
9th - Gideon
13th - WB!
13th - Dice01

GUILTY GEAR SLASH (13 entrants)
1st - K2 (May)
2nd - ZeroFalcon (Zappa, Ky, I-no)
3rd - Boa (Ky-guy)
4th - DarkDragon (Jam, Faust, Sol)
5th - FTK (Johnny, Anji)
5th - Tigerlee (Slayer)
7th - X-Sapphire (ABA, Chipp)
7th - Stephen (Johnny)
9th - Tim (Testament)
9th - Forest Blazer (Testament)
9th - Aiden (Zappa, Faust)
9th - Dice01 (Faust)
13th - JS Master (Baiken)

1st - Ratio1beatdown (A Dhalsim)
2nd - YellowS4 (A Zangief, A Ryu)
3rd - DaDesiCanadian (V Dhalsim, A Chun Li)
4th - JS Master (V Sakura)
5th - Nagata Lock II (V Ryu, A Chun Li)
5th - Phastestpig (A Zangief, A Sakura)
7th - RPGv2 (V Charlie)
7th - WB! (V Charlie)
9th - Hugolizard (A Ryu)
9th - Fobhunter (A Sagat)
9th - Arcade Legend (A Ryu, A Sagat)
9th - X-Sapphire (V Ryu)
13th - FTK (V Zangief)
13th - Random Hero (A Sagat)
13th - Noodleman (A Ryu)

I beat JS in cvs2. GGs to all.

Tylor; I corrected it.

Alpha 3 was easily the highlight of the tournament. LOTS of great matches from beginning to end. The Grand Finals were a real treat and had a lot of people’s attention. I hope the team tournament can bring out more players.

It was nice to meet Tatenda. It looks like you were absorbing CvS2 info like a sponge. If you manage to control your movements your game will improve a ton. I hope you make it back for another tournament soon.

Man do I need a tune up in CvS2. All the little things that took me through ECCXI and T7 are gone. I’m horribly rusty.

Sorry to the Slash community on not joining this month. I basically directed two tournies and was constantly going back and forth and didn’t want to add yet another game to play.

I’m REALLY sorry to Stephen for my fuck up.

Was I the only one shocked that Brett didn’t show up?

The addition of the 2nd full Marvel cabinet completes my work at ORBIT.

What the fuck has happened to the 3S community?

See you all for the team tournament.

Thanks to everyone who ran the tournaments. It was a good time.

Goddamn A3 ):

GGs by all. Thanks to Tylor for the advice. I’ve decided to sell my psp for a Hori stick, hopefully I’ll have mine ordered by next week.

P.S Those sticks made me feel like I’d never played the game before. I couldnt even dp. or alpha counter. I should be at the team tournament just for casuals though, and I’ll bring more money next time.

Jap sticks claim another victim. You’ll get used to them. Then agan you live in Sauga so… yeah… maybe not.

I think it’d make more sense to get an HRAP for Christmas rather than sell your PSP.

Well I really don’t want to wait that long, plus I never get money on christmas. The guy is offering me $150 and an ipod for my psp. I’m probably going to buy this

gg to everyone in /

just wanna know if i can play A3 on PC? i am thinking to join the next A3 tourney if i can practise the game at home, got no time for orbit

Yes you can. You will have to get MAME 32K 0.64 (you can google it) and the ROM file (PM me for details). The ROM is arcade perfect.

I recommend anyone interested in Alpha 3 pick up the emulator and ROM required to play it. If you have a PS2, then look into Alpha Anthology as an arcade perfect means of practice as well.


oh, and btw, one of the 9th place guys is called “yang”, not “yuri”

A3 was fun even though I lost all my games. At least somehow I didn’t place dead last haha… and those Charlie guys need to stop jumping over my fbs.

Dude i’ll buy a PSP for a hori stick

DICE chickened out of our mm…he escaped rite after he lost

good games in ggxx/. hella fun. will try to be there for team tourny. (this is Johnny Stephen.)

Wow, A3 got the most entrants, rape. I’ll try and make it down to the team tourney now. Thanks to !Tatenda for coming so I didn’t get last place CVS2.

The guy im selling it to on Friday is offering me $150 and an ipod. I don’t know whether I should setup a bank account and get a credit card so I can buy an HRAP from play-asia, or I can buy psychochronics Hori DOA 4 stick modded for ps2, I’ve seen it on webcam, I just dont really know the condition. Justin told me to get the HRAP instead this is probably the route I’ll go, but I want to start learning a stick asap.

get a finkle stick

Lol, I guess you were right. I probably did have a shot at first place.

The truth right there. If you’re going to plunk down $150 on a stick, you might as well get a custom built one from Finkle. He lives in Scarborough, uses top of the line material and has a fantastic reputation for quality work. I highly recommend him.

Kyokuji; I told you that you should have attended. You should really look into coming for the team tournament. Hell talk with Plutoburn about teaming up considering he’s in Toronto and you two know each other through Kaillera.