Brazilian way - video - News about championship

We ran “Paran Showdown 2” (nothing to deal with Texas showdown, because it was not known by here when the name was given) in octber/2006 (14 and 15).

The games were Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK2 and King of Fighters 2002 (I hate this one, but people here play, well, championship are for gamers…).

This video is part of a TV Show that covered a little bit of the championship with interviews, etc, so, Im posting it here so that you can FEEL a Brazilian championship, cause I think youve never seen one.

We have only the KOF2002 top 4 matches on youtube, so, if you search for “Parana Showdown”, youll get them, but, I expect to upload soon the other games.

When I do, I hope you enjoy knowing that Brazilian players also do well in games (not that MVC2 crap from Rio that Preepy uploaded, that is now crap for the own players on that vids, because they got better), and youll see that in CVS2 we play mainly the defensive style, It is a must see, to know how the defensive style beat the agressive-A-groove-RC-everything style. NOTE: Im not saying the defensive style beat the agressive, but in this championship, that happened.

Off course, it is not uploaded YET, but I hope to do that in 1 or 2 months, Ill keep in touch.

Enough talk, have at you:


As soon as you will not understand anything, for those interested, here is the talk guide:

(Cute Girl)Who never stayed hours practicing videogames to be the best of your group, shoot the

first stone! Specially if you are man! Today, the “Credencial” (*a VIP Card, name of the TV show) TV Show came to a group of players to follow the guys that play and even get prizes with games.

(Cute Girl)-How many participants are in this championship today?
(Fat Guy)-We had… 75 players. There are people from Paran, So Paulo (*states in Brazil).
(Cute Girl)-Do they come for the prizes or for the hung for competition?
(Fat Guy)-The prize is the last that matters! They come for the competition!

(cute Girl)-When did you start playing?
(Nice guy)-When I was about 7 years old.
(Bearded Chow-chow-like man)-Playing for real… About 4 years ago.
(Baby face guy)-When I was about seven or eight years old.

(Cute Girl)-What was the first game you got when you were seven?
(Nice Guy)-… Dont remember… it was an Atari… any game…
(Baby face guy)-One joystick, one button… it was enough…

(Cute Girl)-What a evolution, say!?
(Nice Guy)-What a evolution! Videogames are about to evolve much more yet!

(Baby face guy)-Today we see, like, games with a quality, like, real thing… people walking, the sky, the lights, the cars… they are just perfect, amazing.

(Cute Girl)-Are the players here good ones?
(Nice Guy)-They are good! They always practice!

(Cute Girl)-How much practicing in day-to-day?
(Bearded Cho-chow-like man)-At least one meeting per week with the guys who play for real, playing

at least 4 hours per week. But in championships seasons, like, for this, we were playing everyday.
(Baby face guy)-For this championship, we were practicing 4… 4 days a week. In Fridays, for example, we play from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. In everyday routine, 4 or 5 hours, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. … making the maths it gives about 4 or 5 hours per week.

(Nice Guy)-To be good in a game means to study the game. The game in a low tier way is Hadouken and Shoryuken… this is game. But when you start to play in a advanced level, there are bundle of tatics, you have to read a lot, a big number of statements that are in english, you have to get into foruns on the net, you have to study…

(Cute Girl)-Could you make some money playing?
(Bearded Chowchow-like man)-If the players is good enough, and goes to championships, he can profit. Not in the game I play (*he means CVS2, because it has low public in Brazil), but in Marvel vs Capcom 2, only this year, I think we had about… five championships in the Country that gave good prizes… so so…

(Cute Girl)-Is it relaxing to play?
(Baby face Guy)-Depends… depends on the opponent… sometimes he makes you get mad…

(cute Girl talking, not appearing) -After hours playing, the great winners! The prizes are just nice, but what matters is to be the best…

(end of the block)

PS: Don’t mind the Brasilian written on that Fat Guy dumbass t-shirt, it’s not common to see miss spelled english words among some cheap clothes around.

PS2.: Any question, any comments, anything, just post it here.

Cool vid. Post again when you get the matches uploaded


KOF Top 4 for already Up.


Semi 1:

Semi 2: Lacking for some reason I dont know.

3rd and 4th places:

Grand Final:

House fo Games Channel (for King of Fighters videos):

Some good Matches from vampireth Brazilian KOF Channel:


As I said, as soon I got CVS2 and MVC2 videos, Ill be in touch, but, for now, just take some of the AVEX (a championship taht ran in february) matches:

Quarter finals:

I hope you enjoy, if any question, Ill be glad to answer.

Few comments?

Come on Guys!

these guys are f*cken good!!!

Hey I will comment on these when I get the chance…funkymusic just directed me to this, other than that I would’ve totally missed it!!!

I haven’t been in Brazil in several years. Parana is kind of far away from my hometown. Are there many tournaments in Rio/SP?

BTW, I’m looking forward to see CvS2 footage.

In the moment there is only few small tournaments, but fellas are working in a big one for July 2007 in SP (So Paulo), or maybe Mogi da Cruzes (50 Km from SP), and the next Paran Showdown in October 2007.

We would be glad to have you here.

Keep in touch, or visit if you speak portuguese.

Awesome video!

Good videos.

they need to work on speed. but interesting, nonetheless. keep us up man…