Brampton 2006 Thread

Why do I get to start the shitty thread

This guy thinks just because he’s brown that he can start a thread repping Bramladesh and Singhdale.

mytar bin isditty.

lol Bramladesh. You say it too, Negata?

Dammit, dood. I fought against the crew in KOF 2k3 and damn, I’m revved. Calcuttamore reprazent!

How was the move btw?

:confused: There’s a KOF2K3 crew in Brampton? :confused:

:confused: People play KOF2K3 to begin with? :confused:

:tup: The move went smoothly. I just need to get my internet installed. :tup:

Nah, Sauga, but I play in B-Town at Shoppers. Why confuzzled?

how are the controlls on the 3s machine at shoppers world? I haven’t been there in a while, but rarely go cuz no comp.

Dunno. Those azns are crazin the machine, so it still functional.

I just don’t hang there because of the lameness of the mall. However…

…the SNK machines are damn cool.

hey, so who is going to York U this weekend? I think I’ll go, what time does it all start at? Justin, I’ll find out if I’m going for sure tomorrow (aka Friday), so maybe if possible could you hook me up with a dvd or two? I’m not sure what exactly, but whatever you can, I’d appreciate all the major games, 3S, CvS 2, Marvel 2, and if possible some Tekken stuff thrown in, thanks

so are you owning the shit out of Hammer Town? Aka, the land of desperation?

Land of desperation???

Are you able to find your way to Square One or any place that’s before Keele on the 401? It’d just make life easier if I didn’t have to pass Keele and come to Yorkdale just to go backwards.

You’ll have to specify what DVD’s you’re looking for. I have a fair bit of material but some of it is unpacked (ie the stuff I’m passing to Bryan) and others are buried in boxes.

We only played casual as a group on Wednesday and I won a fair share more than I lost. :rolleyes:

you don’t have to give me a ride, I can take the bus from Downsview right to York U, it’s only one fare so no big deal. Umm, what do you recommend, I’d ask for what you were giving Bry, but I think you mentioned in the Sauga thread you were only making one copy, so umm, yeah, any US major really. If it was one you guys were at, even better.

and yes, hamilton is the boulevard of broken dreams . . . dirty sweaty steel worker dreams . . .

…this thread is dying already.

More stories, STAT!

You’re posting in the Brampton thread. There’s a reason we only have one thread per year rather than per month.


what is kung fu cinematics?

What is Midnight Carnival?

What is Mark of the Wolves?

What is Dream Match Never Ends?

What is Millionaire Fighting?

What is Another Day?

What is Love?!?

Baby don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me … no more!!

I thought the exact same thing…
