This thread will host a brainstorming session where people can post up their ideas about what they would like to see and what they feel is important in having the best cabinet for the NW. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to post up as many ideas as they can for improving and creating the best arcade cabinet possible for Arcade Edition.
If you have never been a part of a brainstorming session before, I’ve included a quick description below:
The goal of brainstorming is to generate as many ideas as possible, without judgment of their merits or practicality. Every idea and suggestion is open, and nothing is ever off the table no matter how outlandish or seemingly unrelated. If you think the best way to modify the cab is to put it in a Dance Dance Revolution Machine and have people play it with their feet, or to install a small fireplace at the bottom to keep your feet warm, you can feel free to post it up.
There is only one very important and stringent rule that comes with brainstorming, and that is NO CRITICISM. No idea ever gets criticized, no matter how impractical it may be, or how much you disagree with it. A off the wall idea may just help someone else to come up with a great one, and brainstorming is about getting ideas out of your head, getting past bad ones to find good ones, and building on other people’s ideas to come up with new ones. If you see an idea you disagree with, feel free to post an opposite idea, but refrain from criticizing. Criticism kills creativity, and creativity is what we are trying to generate.
The thread will be open for everyone’s suggestions until Friday, (01/21). A description of where we go from there, and how we will reach a decision is below.
Steps for Decision Making Process
[details=Spoiler]First Stage- Brainstorming: Tuesday to Thursday (01/11 - 01/20)
This thread will host a brainstorming session where people can post up their ideas about what they would like to see and what they feel is important in having the best cabinet for the NW. The one rule of brainstorming and for this thread is: No Criticism. Just ideas. As many of them as you can give with no limits. If you have ideas beyond the controls and the cab itself, you are free and encouraged to post them here.
Second Stage- Ranking of Ideas: Friday to Tuesday (01/21 - 01/25)
After going over everyone’s ideas, we will create a giant list and people will select their top eight choices, ranking them from 1-8 in matter of importance. The top 3 choices of everyone’s list will state their preference for control layout, button/stick type, and orientation on the cabinet to make sure we get everyone’s opinion on those topics.
Third Stage- Combining and Refining Ideas: Wednesday to Saturday (01/26 - 02/05)
Once everyone has listed there top 8 ideas and criteria, we will combine them together and count the number of times each comes up to get an idea of what is important to the community. Out of the list, we will start to combine similar ideas and refine vague ideas to reduce the number of suggestions, and come up with a final selection of the most important requirements to send to Bill.
List sent to Bill - Sunday (February 6th)
The parts list and control layout will be sent to Bill for ordering so he can have them shipped on time his techs can begin planning to modify the cab. Submitting at this time will also allow for Bill to give us feedback on our suggestions.
Threads will be closed on there listed deadlines, and we will move onto the next section. If we stay to long on one subject or go back and open them up again, we will not get anywhere. So be sure to participate in each section during the time it’s open and get your opinion stated. :tup: [/details]
List of Suggestions So Far: Updated 01/12/11
- The same setup as before but with the buttons closer to the sticks.
- Sanwa JLF sticks with sanwa buttons
- Button layout matching the first 6 of a TE
- Button Layout matching a vewlix cabinet
- American joystick and American convex buttons
- Cup holder that perfectly fits the glasses Acme uses
- Cup holders below the controls where coin slots are
- Ball top joystick
- Bat top joystick
- Coin Holders for your place in line
- Placement and height of controls matching the vewlix cabinet
- Cab opens for maintenance similar to VLX Premium
- Quick Disconnects for buttons and a wiring harnesses
- A port for HDMI, DVI or VGA output for hooking up to streaming
- Cab modded to accommodate sitting down
- A short chair/stool for each cabinet.
- USB inputs for plugging in TE sticks
- A single coin holder for both cabinets
- A coin holder in a convenient place that does not disturb players
- A coin holder with a slide-able arrow/marker to point to who is next
- Multicolored and numbered slots on coin holder to keep track of your place
- A plexiglass top designed to be easily removable to swap out art generated by the community
- A place clearly designated for posting tournament fliers on the cabinet
- A place clearly designated for posting tournament fliers in the arcade
- A prominent spot in the arcade where spectators can clearly see and hype matches
- Additional fighting games adjacent to the cabinets for people waiting through long rotations
- Controls centered in the middle of the control panel for each display
- A small discreet notch to hang a clipboard on when running tournaments so it doesn’t get misplaced
- An available plug ideally nearby for charging cameras
- Garbage can and recycling located in the arcade
- Drink special arranged with bar for drinks/a specific drink for a specified night of the week
- A prominent sign displaying the phone number for maintenance and instructions to call when maintenance is required
- Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo as the side cabinet
- Marvel Vs Capcom 2 as a side cabinet
- Swappable joystick tops to accommodate player preference
- Street Fighter II Hyper fighting as a side cabinet
- Monthly tournaments
- Leader-board rankings
- Stripper pole
- Sticks with square gates