In the past I have attempted to make large bob threads involving lots of things not currently mentioned and gotten “invalid message” each time. Now that I no longer have this issue, I think I should try to incorporate my enthusiasm that I had before, now.
So one thing people don’t mention often is bob’s hit-confirms and block strings, how important it is to do the right thing when your opponent defends your relativily bad mix-ups. The thing is bob doesn’t really mix you up traditionally, he doesn’t hit with fast high/lows and grabs, he mix’s you up with attack timings, block strings that can’t be interrupted, or they can be and allow you to continue pressuring. Its all about feeling out your opponents during a block, and this is important because whether or not they want to press buttons or not can mean the difference between landing a apres sweep or landing a delayed apres sweep, or landing a granchi cannon, etc.
An important aspect of bob’s gameplay when he pressures others that most people don’t know about or just don’t think about is that when they block all of your attacks, you didn’t do something wrong, in fact you did something right, this is why bob doesn’t have good mix-ups, because he doesn’t need good mix-ups. He can make you block a whole string and at the end of it you end up right in his ideal spacing, just closer than mid-screen away, setting you up for all of bob’s metagame, his quick duck sweep, AA, and st.hp/lp/lk pokes.
You see if your pressure leads to ideal spacing than whether or not you hit them is inconsequential, you now have all your best tools available to you and your at the right place on screen to re-start the pressure on your opponent, because bob’s zoning capabilities involve him actually pushing not pulling, using apres sweep when they sit idol,, and his pokes/good AA to push your opponent repeatedly towards a corner, or to push them into a bad decision, either one is what you want.
My rule of thumb when opponents block:
-cr.lp cr.lp
You can do cr.hp, which is a frame trap in itself. You can delay a third jab, or what I ususally think is bobs best option is cr.lp again chain into, and ill explain why its one of his best options later.
-cr.lp cr.lp cr.hp
If you land cr.hp with bob you have as many possibilitys as bob can physically have, You have duck into apres sweep which I recommend the most for when your opponent blocks because apres sweep is the tightest possible string with cr.hp and I notice alot of people try to interrupt your duck during almost every other option you have, You can do hook/granchi, or a delayed apres sweep, if you have meter or need to get bob out you can spiral rocket switch cancel, it usually lets you set-up a mix-up because it hits 3 times with alot of blockstun so you can fit a quick high/low in, you can not do anything after duck and reset the pressure with a jab or grab if you think your opponent is just going to hold down back through everything, you can go for a roll into overhead/low but these are risky options and shouldn’t be used often, also if you have meter to blow on pressure you can EX roll, allowing a high frame advantage on grab/jab afterwards, and you can even attempt headbutt into overhead, but thats the last option I would ever recommend… ever.
-cr.lp cr.lp cr.lp
When they block my cr.lp I think a great option I have yet to incorperate enough is doing three cr.lp’s and then a into a few options, you can go for his mp hp string which is great for pushing enemy’s away, and getting you to his ideal range, you can do another mk, hk which is also good for creating space, and if you confirm the hit on the first, you can just boost combo, this is one of bob’s best options because it extends the string a few hits, pushing bob back into his best spot on screen.
One thing I have been trying to incorperate more recently is attempting meaty granchi cannon’s on peoples wake-ups once and a while, hitting people out of the air with swirly rocket if the spacing is right, and doing close after jump-ins or on peoples wake up because its frame advantage, and frame trap, aswell as adding damage to a hit-confirm if you do land it, increasing bob’s already great damage.
I would like to add more to this, but I tried to keep any interruptable/not really usefull in general strings out of the thread, I attempted to give some insight into what you should be thinking of when your opponent blocks your moves, and not just droning into a cr.lp, cr.hp, duck hook whether they hit or not, and then complaining that its -2 so your opponent gets a free jab on you, in fact I don’t think his duck hook is good at all unless you hit-confirm into it, because it puts you almost right in front of your enemy, and at a -2 frame disadvantage, you basically let rushdown characters in for free… but now im just rambling, if anyone has suggestions or if I missed something I will add them to the main thread, thank you for reading.