Blue blazes, he's AWESOME! The Nova Thread!

I don’t really care PW, I just happy to see Nova in the game.

I don’t see why anybody here should give a damn about Nova being flashy.

Actually, those are all opinions I agree with. For example, why have Iron Fist instead of Fei Long when he’s just going to play like Fei Long anyways?

And yet his hypers are pathetically lame, his specials could have been taken from any one of a dozen different characters and wouldn’t look any different, and he’s yet to show anything that makes him anything other than generic.

While I like the character and his visual design, they just didn’t make much of a *character *out of him, as opposed to a set of moves.

I think you misunderstood what I was getting at a lot of people like him and his stories are intresting , It’s just when he needs to fight he don’t really fuck about

why is he gonna prance about doing all this fancy shit when a rocket punch would do the job

hell more characters need to be like that

This guy looks so awesome!

Definitely a potential new main for me!

On a side note: the theme song composer for this game was truly inspired… The original character themes sound much better than the remixed ones!

I’m a lil disappointed about the fact that he doesnt have a beam besides his hyper combo = (
He LOOKS cool so far

True that, I don’t give a crap about characters trying to be unique, overly-flashy or whatever, I just like a character that gets shit done and done effectively

No need to get on Nova’s ass because you don’t like the way he looks, and the negativity is unnecessary as this is the Nova thread, if you don’t like him just move on back to your Wesker’s, your Dante’s, your Akuma’s and whoever else is meant to be cool these days

The only thing that I really don’t like about Nova’s design is the lack of a cinematic level 3, but having 3 level 1’s that all have their uses and advantages makes up for that. I’m glad he’s straight forward, and I personally think his straightforwardness is what makes him unique compared to the rest of the roster in MvC 3. Magneto’s got his swag combos, Iron Man’s got his awkward hit confirms, Viper’s got her high technical stuff, Wesker’s got his gun n’ port, this character has this, that character has that, but aside from Iron First, none of the characters just charge in an’ do damage. All of Nova’s attacks move him forward, most of his moves have some form of invincibility, this blandness people are complaining of is really the most unique thing in the game because of it. The only down side to it is that it looks like some of his moves were just copied from other characters, but even still, other characters don’t quite combine those moves in the way Nova does. So his reveal trailer might not look as hype as Wright’s but he’s still amazingly awesome.

He doesn’t have Kirby dots.

You lied to me, Twitter.

Similar to something else does not equate to lame. His moveset fits his character. If you expected him to be anything outrageously creative you clearly don’t know the first thing about Nova. He’s a very in your face aerial rushdown character that will probably chew through any zoner. The goal isn’t to make a character out of him, it’s to make a fighting style that matches his preexisting character and fits into the balance of the game.

Sure Storm and Skrull share a similar hyper. How many characters have beam hypers? How many characters have wall bouncing supers? Almost every character in this game shares a hyper, or ALL of their hypers with another character. You’re being overly critical. If he doesn’t interest you, ignore him and discuss whoever does interest you.

God damn. Nova looks like his beast.

Also, his theme is godlike.

Agree completely.

I’m personally happy that people arent hugely impressed by him. I prefer it when the characters I play are not in the top 5 most popular characters. Glad that Nova is not the next Wesker/Wolverine/Phoenix/Dante/Zero.

well looks like your team’ll be bitchin now

Exactly. I hope he flies under the radar because I see a ton of potential. Looks like he’ll have great synergy with Hulk too based off those sexy OTG’s. Can’t wait to get my hands on him.

I got more stuff to do, I look forward to seeing more videos of him when I get back.

The way his normals and specials look in general really remind me of Skrull, and I’m not just talking bout dat Inferno. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

His animation seems a bit odd to me, but not as bad as P.Wright. He’s looking like a promising anchor.

Agreed, to me Nova seems like the new Spencer. As in he seems like a character who has every tool he needs to annihilate multiple characters, but who won’t see much use due to not being very popular or flashy. I’m REALLY interested in what assists he provides, that will determine a lot about how we should use him.

In a stupid way…he’s a better super skrull. And Iron Man is underused so we will never know his potential. I see Nova in tourneys already.

I was thinking that, although with all lvl 1 hypers he will probably perform in any spot nicely, and that may hurt his ability as an anchor without lvl 3 immunity to damage scaling.

If he’s able to link hypers in to each other without assists, he will be an incredible anchor since that will make up for no lvl 3, as long as damage scaling does not hit him too hard. But if he can link hypers in to each other with the help of assists, he will be an amazing first or second spot. Maybe better in a second spot since you can DHC in to a large variety of abilities.

If I were to guess about what assists he’d have, I’d say it’d be the thing he throws in the air that comes back down, the gravimetric pulse, and one of his OTG moves would be his assists. They all seem like they’d work well. I see him as a solid character all around, but shining as an anchor, too. That being the case, can’t wait. Nova/Thor all day!