V.joe dashed first and Nova grabbed him when he got close.
Jocelot honestly I’d have to hire Phoenix Wright for your defense for this thread, it’s the only way you have a CHANCE of surviving Novaforce.
Also Nova looks interesting. He’s kind of rushdown + beam super (I like). Maybe he has some good vertical assists like that javelin or w/e it’s called one.
Nova’s pingpong super has tons of start up invincibility frames. I don’t want to call it maximum Nova. Fuck that. NOVA PING PONG.
I wish to make a correction. It is not “Biometric Pulse”. It is Gravimetric. Biometric refers to reading life-signs and aspects of the person’s body to verify their identity. Gravimetric, referring to gravity (which would be relevant to Nova since he does a lot of stuff in space), is more fitting. Additionally, comic clips people have posted of Nova have him referring to equipment and techniques as Gravimetric such-and-such.
Anyone think Energy Doublet (or whatever it is) will become an assist and act like a pseudo-Hidden Missiles?
I saw a flight cancel. I wonder if he has an air dash? Also his red health dissappears when he does gravimetric attacks.
I hope energy Javelin is an assist, it looks useful as hell.
Looking at his gameplay, I think I have a new favorite playstyle-wise character.
He looks like Captain Falcon (NOVA PUNCH) + Super Skrull + Iron Man. Totally gonna use him a LOT.
Am i the only one who sees a Jin/iron man cross? The kicks for one. The overhead punch also. The normals hit pretty similar to jins. The only thing he needs now is the overpowered aa. I for one am happy since jin is apparently dead. Nova was the one character I was not hyped about, but after seeing the trailer and gameplay, I got a huge boner
I was banking on Nova to convince me to get this over KoF13 in November, he kinda did lol. Admittedly its the glowing eyes that got me. Gameplay wise he looks like he will fit in nice to replace my Shuma Gorath in between Taskmaster and Dormmy.
Only if it tracks, otherwise It’ll be like Task and Hawkeyes up arrows. But I’m mad hype for him now after the trailers. He was only slightly on my radar but this put him on the map.
I’m thinking his assist will be the Overhead that ground bounces (hopefully), his command slide for low/otg, and the move that Noble just mentioned.
Edit: It also looks like he could be a really strong battery too.
Poor Nova, being overshadowed by everyone’s second favorite lawyer…
But on topic, did that dive kick cross up in one of the videos or was that just me hoping?
Him Losing his red life for gravimetric moves has me wondering if they do additional damage per unit of red health. Could be very interesting.
Pretty sure it did.
Hm. I’m toying with the prospect of Frank West (presuming TvC style transplant)/Nova (Unknown Assist… hopefully the overhead punch?)/Amaterasu (Cold Star). With that overhead as an assist, I could go with a few low attacks to get them blocking, threaten with the overhead, and land Frank’s Giant Swing command throw instead? This is theoryfighter, I admit.
lol, it sounds like the voice actor yells “Pink Taco!” :eek:
He speaks more when he does his abilities than I would like, but that’s okay. He looks like he has some interesting potential and these vids won’t do him justice. Wish they showed his assists as that’s the only thing we don’t know the potential of, and that will determine his team placement.
I think it does track (lands right on the opponent’s head no matter where they are), though I can’t check right now and this is me remembering from an hour ago.
Im not entirely sure, I’ve seen it not even appear on screen(against haggar) and am yet to see it follow the person so I wouldn’t hold out hope on that. Plus is it just me or does he look like his moves are either chargeable or cancellable(or both, that would be swell), he seems to have this animation he does before each and every special.
So if that Gravimetric thing does more damage per red life… If he got plowed as an assist and was down to like 5% health… And somebody were to say DHC into that… Hmmmmmmmm…