Blue blazes, he's AWESOME! The Nova Thread!

He has an 8 way airdash and flight mode and his 8 way airdash can be cancelled into all his specials. So no he should not have any problem approaching. Nova also has flight cancellable moves.

So no Nova will have no problem getting in.

8 way air dash that is supposed to be on the slow side. we don’t know the properties of his specials. what if you can standing jab him out of them? or throw him out of them? how is he going to get in then?

but his 8 way air dash is more IM than Magneto, far from a free get in…

dunno if you know different but iron man gets in for free anyways , It’s just what he dose when he’s there that’s the problem

magneto gets in not just because if speed but because he can constantly make hard to hit angles

I don’t think nova will have issues getting in but we can’t reality be sure , although his dash attacks like his dive kick move fast as hell

He will just grab you if you jump up. He can combo off of a single throw fullscreen with ease. He has the charge moves which he can perform in the air. So cancel air dash into command dash as they try to attack since at least the falcon kick like move seems to have projectile invulnearability . Or just j.S down to the ground.

LOL. So I see Nova having no problem.

From all the information we have, Nova should be used as an anchor.

Powerful, low-execution combos
Using red life to supercharge hypers (who cares about red life when he’s the last standing on your team?)
Good assists
High mobility & Aegis Reflector to help get in

I see the potential for some very advanced and damaging combos there too, lots of bounces and OTGs, plus all the air OK tools I’m sure can lead to some cool TK nonsense.

I’m thinking he looks best for the second slot. XF and using you red life works against each other and I don’t see alot of fullscreen, chip, or cheese tactics for XF to make retarded.

I think Nova’s anchor status might be put into question. Can he really take advantage of the red life powerup (Can we just call it Nova Force?) and x-factor at the same time?

this isn’t goin to happen they all seem to have zero style hitboxes

I was watching the stream yesterday n they blew up a lot people trying to attack him out of them

how it works vs projectile is key here same with his pulse

Easy solution.

Pop X-factor when you see fit. Do what you can with it - remember, he still has one hyper that doesn’t feed off your red life. After it’s done, any damage you take just powers up your next hyper since you have nothing to lose.

That would work, but I’m not sure it would work better than Nova backed with proper assists with another anchor holding it down. It’ll all depend on his easy he is to block in x-factor.

Did seth actually confirm that with the right amount of red life his lvl 1’s can feel like lvl 3’s? Cause if thats the case then he becomes one of the few characters(and the first marvel character) with a “lvl 3” that can hit assists. While thats not a big deal, it is a very very nice option to have.

Plus Im hoping his nova ping pong has full on invincibility(not just projectile invul) cause I do love abusing alpha counters to tag in sent and hit em with a hard drive while they are trying to chip me out or something, and if I can abuse it with nova as well that’ll be real nice.

Man, Nova’s air (Human) Rocket Punch reminds me so much of Sol’s Sidewinder from Guilty Gear ^Core. I wonder if you have enough time to air combo into it, land after the wall bounce, do his Energy Javeline which seems to groundbounce airborn opponents and use that as a relaunch?

Damn you Jocelot youre going to make me start thinking before I can get into the lab… Stop it.

I’ve already been thinking of combo possibilities. Especially flight mode off of air rocket punch stuff.

I’ll never stop! Never! How about this: Air Nova Inferno, Air X Factor, air human Rocket Punch, land, Energy Javelin, relaunch, Gravimetric Blaster!

anyone call for a jigsaw puzzle… but in all seriousness, i want to play the fawk out of him.

2 lv 3’s??? RAPE!!!

Indeed! The more I think about Nova (no homo?) the more I want to play him. Gotta fit him in with GR or Spencer somehow. Or, at least try.

Im going to Do Skrull/Raccoon/Nova and I have some serious ideas for combos I hope Energy Javelin is as good as I think it will be for sky control… Im also going to run a Thor/Nova/Random member team.