Bloody Roar Rebirth

Ok, here is a new idea for a Bloody Roar remake, which will reboot the series and make some changes.

Gameplay will be a refinement of Bloody Roar 3 and Primal Fury. With the addition of:

-the throw button will now allow you to do grapples much like in the style of Def Jam Fight For new York, where grabbing an enemy opens them up to different holds you can do, depending on the character you are using.

-not only can you fast evade by tapping forward and block at the same time as an attack comes, you can now do Guard Impacts like Soul Calibur, by tapping back and block just as an attack will hit, you will parry away the enemy attack.

-Countering. Like DOA, you can now counter an attack by tapping forward and grapple just as an attack is about to hit, to counter it. This requires strict timing, doesn’t do a large amount of damage, and will leave you wide open if it whiffs. This is good for getting an enemy back off of you and doing a little bit of damage in the process.

-With the throw button, you can also pick up objects on the ground/environment to use as weapons, such as lead pipes, bats, trash cans, bricks, glass bottles. When in Beast form you will become much stronger and can knock over cars and garbage dumpsters, characters can even throw them(Imagine a pissed off beast form Stun chucking a car at you midfight).

-You can also hang onto ledges using the grab button to grasp on right when you are near a ledge; such as in the edge of arenas like rooftops(like in Smash), so you can climb back up and not fall to your doom. You can also climb up to different parts of the arenas by jumping and using the grab button to grab onto the ledges/railings.

-Multitiered large arenas, with hazards and death traps, ala MK. You can get hit by lightning during a rainstorm in one stage, shot by snipers in another, maybe even knocked into a vat of liquid metal, or a shark tank…

-Combo breakers, using a new super meter not connected to your beast form, you charge this meter up by attacking and getting attacked. You can perform combo breakers when this meter is full, giving you a way out of crazy combos.

-redone beast drives, much more brutal and gorey, with x ray effects showing damage like in the new MK

-fatalities that can be done when opponents are low on life, very gruesome and gory(such as Yugo in wolf form tearing someone’s throat out as blood spews everywhere)

-special moves similar to ultras that can only be done when near death

-character redesigns as well as new characters. Mitsuko, Fox, and Greg all brought back, and the general vibe of the game is grimdark as hell and badass as fuck. Like Fox in skintight black leather clothes and liprings, and Bakuryu with more badass looking ninja clothes

-kickass soundtrack. Here’s a sample of what will be in the game
Download (Heavy Metal 2000 Soundtrack 17) coal_chamber-wishes.mp3 from - send big files the easy way

So someone (you?) is actually trying to work on a game like this?

Die in a fire. Also, SSJ Sonikku, that wasn’t the Bloody Roar page you linked to in the last idiot’s thread. That was a product info page on Hudson’s site. Bloody Roar had 2 dedicated pages: for north america, and for japan. The actual sites had combo movies, backstories for all the games, profiles, movelists, art, wallpapers, and a few pages showing Fang and his appearance in the manga. After Hudson killed the series, they closed the sites. Speaking of closing…mods? Is there some way to tell noobs not to make these gamefaqs-esque “they should make a game with” or “I wish they would make this game/Here’s an idea for a new game that I am not doing any art, music, or programming for” threads?

Yeah god forbid someone should take a dead series and want to revive it and make it better. I guess you can go play BR4 LOL

Kid, it’s over. Grow up and move on. You and a bunch of shenlong fan-girls aren’t gonna bring it back just TALKING about it. Maybe if you had some actual skills you could program a beta and present it to Hudson…but peeps like you who desperately want a sequel never have anything to contribute but ideas. No skills, art or otherwise. You want it, you gotta lead with a lot of work already invested. Threads like this are why we don’t like noobs. And I’ll tell you this: the title of this thread, as if a new game was announced, will piss off established members when they find out it’s actually just some juvenile dream-gasming about a game he wishes a company would make. If you think I’M busting your balls, stick around.

If you’re not actually working on anything, what’s the point in talking about it?

Btw, the game will use the Crytek engine, so it’ll have graphics like this:


I work for Namco and playtested Tekken 7, so I can talk about this.

Let me ask again: are you ACTUALLY creating this game? Your messages are telling me yes and no, your new ones point to yes.

is this the kakuto chojin dude’s furry alter-ego or something?

I like how his birthdate is april 1st

Master Roshi: I’m not even going to begin to tell you what’s wrong with that.

Two words: Ceiling Juggles

Rumors from gamefaqs are questionable at best. Being an alleged playtester for a game that’s probably not even in ALPHA format yet (still calling shenanigans on THAT one, since BETAS are usually what get playtested) doesn’t make you a programmer. You’re still just cluttering up this board with an “I wish” thread.


possible track in the game, I want music like this, real hardcore and badass as shit.

You posted something like this on 4chan right?

Also you stated in your post Tekken, has a juggling problem and it should have air control like SC games do.

Yes, it should. Juggling in Tekken 6 has gotten way out of hand. Why did SC have air control yet Tekken, a game that truly needed it, didn’t?

trolling? Dude relax its ok. This is his opinion. If you don’t like it don’t spam the thread with “I hate people who want to remake a video game because I am a ignorant insecure troll” or “let me troll away and flamebait in this thread where people won’t care”.

The reason why people don’t like gamefaqs,game winners, and ign is because of the rampant trolling,spam,off topic discussion, and troll mods. The very same crap your doing to people on this thread.

Do you have crytek size license fee? What about a team of modelers and artists or coders/debuggers and planners? You got $6m just to not get laughed out of the room when talking about hasbro’s intellectual ip? Yeah you gotta pay another license to use their ip too.

Why don’t you use your own ideas instead of piggie backing off someone elses.

Do you have crytek size license fee? What about a team of modelers and artists or coders/debuggers and planners? You got $6m just to not get laughed out of the room when talking about hasbro’s intellectual ip? Yeah you gotta pay another license to use their ip too.

Why don’t you use your own ideas instead of piggie backing off someone elses.