Is there any way to calculate block stun or are there any lists that detail what the block stun is for each move?
Generally, subtract the actual hitting frames and revovery frames (but not start-up) on an attack from:
11 if light attack
16 if mwdium attack
20 if heavy or special
There are many more pieces to this, but this is the basic concept.
Cool, thanks (again)
I’m interested in reading up on frame data like this, is it worth it though or is it more useful for 3D fighters??
I dont think thats right i was reading up on one by NKI and its completely diffrent then this one i think i saw it on the wiki fourm. though me could be wrong as well
I got it from YBH pg. 173.
I could be reading it wrong.
Examples Ryu’s> 2 hit combo:
Crouch MP.
5 Start up| 4 Hitting|| 7 recovery
16-11 (if hit on first frame) = +5 frame advantage.
Crouch Hk.
4 Start up| 6 Hitting|| 25 recovery
20-31 (if hit on first frame) = -11 frame disadvantage.
Since the leaves you at a +5 advantage you can “link/combo” into the cr.Hk b/c it its 4 frame start up is lesser than the 5 frame advantage.
Fatboy, what if it’s a projectile attack? Doesn’t that have has many hitting frames after start up as long as its on screen? How would I calculate the block stun of a projectile?