Blizzard Overwatch

I’m not in the beta yet - there’s a TF2 payload style mode?

Yeah, theres payload maps where you have to escort carts. Theres also hybrid maps. Theres one, where you cap a control point, and then that unlocks the cart, which you have to escort to the next control points. Some just have the cart straight up. Some just have control points.

lol Blizzard reinventing escort missions as acceptable entertainment.

What I don’t get is how there’s not a capture the flag mode yet. I just really want a CTF mode. :frowning:

Well they added the king of the hill style mode… I think capture the flag could be a cool mode, but I mean, some heroes would be so OP with that lol. Like Tracer. Zip, zip, zip, get flag, rewind.

Payload maps are mad fun and were the best maps in TF2.

Need to get on this Overwatch train.

Put some work in this game, got to level 11, Reaper only, cause that’s how I roll.

The game is better then I anticipated. Overall good experience.


  1. I still believe it takes too long between rounds.

Like, after playing a 5 min game:

5 seconds win screen.
10 seconds Play of the Game.
30 seconds stats and xp gain.
20 seconds loading next map.
30 seconds to wait for everyone to join.
30 seconds to select your hero.
30 seconds to “get ready”.
Jump outta the gate only to get head shotted by Widowmaker.
10 seconds replay.
10 seconds to get back into the action.

Half of the time in game is spent looking at menus. Not sure why they give this game MOBA timer constraints, in which it makes sense as it’s OK to stare at a screen for 2 minutes for a 20 minute game. But 2 minutes for a 5 min game? Nah.

  1. It really, really, REALLY fucking hurts to look at this game coming from Battlefront. Going from snowflakes melting on your gun to WoW 10 year old textures. Can’t have nice graphics if it jeopardizes your sales. Gotta get that maximum market.


  1. The game is surprisingly fun in how simple it is.

  2. When you get into the groove in this game, it feels really good. As reaper, porting in, ulting, killing like 5 people, shifting away, only to come back and get another 5 kill streak, makes you feel like a God. Nobody can catch you, nobody can face you, you’re literally 1vs6ing bitches. I’ve seen the other classes do as well, sometimes calling out BS, LoL!

  3. Good design of characters. Some a bit too Street Fighter for my tastes, but shit like that Ninja dude looks really legit. Winston looks badass and original as well. A monkey in fucking armor, I love it!

  4. Good customization and XP system. This mother is huge and every hero has so much shit to unlock. Pretty cool that you can buy some costumes with in game currency.

I’m gonna preorder the game like next week or something, need me that Reaper skin.

We gotta get a SRK clan going or something.

Pre-ordered for PS4, and I don’t even have a PS4 yet :rofl:

'dat Widowmaker too guud

Dat ass.

LoL! Random loot box grands 1000 credit costume. GG!

I’m down for team SRK when the game drops in the summer. Most of us won’t play it until then lol

I have it on PC atm but might also get it on PS4, team srk going to wreck shit.

Does it have PS4/PC crossover?

No, PC would just wreck.

Might buy it for PC too so I can enjoy both communities

Can’t have a class based FPS game and NOT have capture the flag. That mode is CLASSIC. I don’t think certain classes would be OP in CTF though. It all depends on map design. You could always make it so Tracer can’t rewind while carrying the flag or the flag drops when she does.

In any case, it’d be great if they did. CTF is a simple, classic game mode with the most potential as a competitive game mode due to its simplicity.

Should probably not start off with a sniper though, I’ve seen you play metal gear!

These are the quality pot shots taken at Beta’s stream that we need.

All those “beta gets no viewer” shots are all as weak as his aim.

Fuck y’all niggas :mad: