Yea playing Rein now and he feels like conplete shit. You legit have to wait for the whole shield to be put away before you can swing the hammer meaning trying ti tell people to back the duck up qith a hammer swing haa you eating a quarter to half your health bar before the hammer ever swings. Add that on top of his hammer doesnt even do damage till the end of the Swing and dudes damn near useless now.
New Summer Games skins for the event starting on the 9th. Waveracer and American Football Rein.
Got time to make Reinhardt a skin, but not time to fix his glitches.
2 months later I just realized today there is a new character with a shotgun in overwatch lol.
gonna hop back online again to give her a try, she looks pretty dope though
So new healer is OP OP at least on PTR
Hello everyone. Does anyone still play this game ? I am a big fan of OverWatch, and I am looking for someone to play together. I think that it’s a great idea, because this game requires a lot of team cooperation. I am pretty good at this game, and I have a pretty high sr, so, if anyone wants to play together - leave me a message! By the way, I have a very high rank, because I have found a very nice and cheap overwatch boosting, that has increased my rating really fast. I have done it because I couldn’t win on the low rating due to bad teammates.