Ukitake still needs to use his apparently super sekrit bankai… Too bad he can’t right now obviously. I doubt he’ll die just yet
(Wow, I fucked up that spoiler and failed to notice somehow. Sorry.)
Meh. Ukitake will probably fight a bit after they figure out how to counter the Bankai-stealing and either try going into Bankai or get into Bankai…only to have another bloody coughing and then get merc’d because of it. I have no faith in the poor guy just because his horrible health–which Hogyoku Ex Machina addresses in a way that mostly makes sense given how old these fuckers are–means that anytime he gets close to being able to do anything, Kubo can just conveniently have him start keeling over due to tuberculosis.
It’s like jobbing, but not quite.
That said, I can see Kyoraku surviving though, especially if something happens to Ukitake. I really wouldn’t want to play fatal Calvinball against someone who would be Hulk-level pissed.
I’m running whenever I see Kyoraku period. If he’s pissed? Welp, I’m dead.
y’know that reminds me, it still seems quite odd to me that a “shinigami” could even be “sick” in the first place. Such beings are, at least from my understanding, like the Japanese mythological equivalent to “angels of death” or “grim reapers”…it’s been awhile since I read up on it—quick internet refresher research— yep, that’s exactly what they are. It just seems like something that is incorrect, even though we’re talking about mythical beings here. Really man… a ghost/grim reaper/death spirit being----coughing like he has bronchitis and some severe allergy problems? Maybe the reality of his condition will be revealed as something else entirely before this series is over… eh, that’s what I would do… reveal the big secret that it was a magical curse he place on himself as atonement for some terrible things he did several centuries ago, or perhaps as a self-imposed limitation like Zaraki’s eyepatch…but it would be out of some unusual compassion for any enemies he faces in battle… or you could say it’s a lingering effect from his conversion, as he’s really a reformed demon from Hell… there’s many interesting possibilities a writer could play with regarding that concept of a supposedly “sick” shinigami…as opposed to just chalking it up as “no really… he’s actually sick.”
Stern ritter ppl. Stay free noob Shinigami. They need to know their place.
Yea million…the damned mentioned that a few yrs back. Like why haven’t someone like…umm idk unohana or orihime heal him by now?? It makes no sense.
Edit: actually didn’t wonderweiss put a hole in ukitake around his chest area? One would think once he got healed from that injury he would get new lungs…not diseased ones lol.
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Yammy was an homage to Huge from Buttlord GT. That was pretty much the only thing on my mind when he powered up in front of Byakuya and Kenpachi.
“Okay, now we can fight.”
“Jesus, dude. Can you even move?”
The dude who lost his arm got his arm back
The chick who got cut in half is fine now
The guy who lost all of his powers got his powers back
The other guy who lost his powers got his powers back
At least two people have mastered the art of creating fully functioning artificial bodied
But the guy with a bad cough is beyond anyone’s ability to fix :wtf:
Well it’s Tuberculosis and Ukitake’s had it for a long time. Brokihime can’t really do much about something that’s been in effect for so damn long.
The only one who could have a chance is Unohana, but let’s be honest, how often have we seen straight diseases in Bleach? It also doesn’t help that TB is some damn deadly shit in Anime/Manga.
nah, dats some bullshit. already confirmed Orihime can basically deny/defy reality… so why hasn’t she healed Ukitake? Actually, it’s not like it is anyone’s priority to heal the bastard, he’s probably been sick for centuries and him being sick is more so apart of his character then just… him being sick because fuck it. I even think his bankai may be the reason he’s sick. Who knows.
(…I vaguely think I know what you’re referring to, JayGee.)
Yeah, I’ve kinda talked about how stupid it is before, Epidemic, but that far less in the inventive way that Million has and more just me pointing out utterly dubious it is that what are technically souls have compatible biology in the first place. I’m pretty sure I talked about that a couple of years ago at the same time I mentioned that Bleach is even more Crapsack of a world than one initially realizes, especially Soul Society. That and how Kubo hasn’t even fleshed out the whole “spirit body thing” all that well with Ichigo having to leave his body to be in Soul Society but Orihime, Chad & Uryuu, among others, being able to go there bodily.
You’ve already proven you’re more imaginative than Kubo. You’re just setting up yourself up for (more) disappointment.
He just has TB…somehow.
The fan-fiction I linked to theorizes something that mostly makes sense. To prove that I’m not just relentlessly pushing that, I’ll spoil what that it proposes, especially since it’s an extremely minor sub-plot:
Why Ukitake still has tuberculosis
[details=Spoiler]Unohana, as young as she looks, is ancient. Easily several centuries old. Between that fact and Soul Society intentionally having very little contact with “The World of the Living”, she likely knows absolutely nothing of microbiology and thus nothing of bacteria…when that’s what causes tuberculosis. Hell, the only person in all of Soul Society that’s been proven to know of germs is Mayuri, who no one is comfortable working with. So that means probably no one knows outside of maybe the higher ups in the 12th Division (or whatever Division Mayuri is over) and given how under his thumb Nemu is, it’s not like anyone is going to help unless he gives permission, which he absolutely no reason to if he’s even all that aware (or cares).
Getting back to Unohana, considering that her kido, bakudo and shikai only appear to heal (recent) wounds and trauma, they can repeat the damage to his lungs constantly, but they’re not killing the bacteria, which is why he supposedly still has it.
The theory might have be bit of a “plot-hole” in that it calls to question what happens with other wounds that get infected, but maybe wounds in Soul Society rarely get infected in the first place, especially since we don’t know if he got in Soul Society (or Hueco Mundo) or when he went to the world of the living. It also seems sound considering we haven’t seen or even hear of any anti-poison spells and we know Mayuri loves to poisons, as both Uryuu and Szayel can attest.[/details]
I think that tuberculosis can spread beyond the lungs, especially given how it can fatal relatively easily with what little I’m aware of. I haven’t really looked into it all that closely (yet).
Regardless, Wonderweiss only impaled Ukitake in one lung at best given he didn’t outright die, so only one of them would be undiseased (for a while).
Yeah, she can defy reality. But obviously it’s a lot easier to defy reality within an immediate time frame (aka, someone not having an arm for maybe a couple of days). She’d have to defy centuries (or however long he’s had this disease, but it’s been a damn long time) of it. But we also don’t know the effects of her rejecting reality on an entire person for an extended period. For all intensive purposes she might have to reject centuries of his freaking life. At that point, it’s pretty fucking worthless. It’s not like rejecting an lost arm at the joint.
(Weird post-surging considering the time of night, but whatever…)
Yeah. As broken as Orihime theoretically is/“should” be, her trying to heal Ukitake would likely end in relative disaster, especially as wish-washy as her power is and given how little she actually knows Ukitake.
In trying to heal him, she’d probably de-age him into young, pre-TB Ukitake, which might be even more detrimental than him just having TB depending on what it did to his memories and powers.
Still, it’s pretty dumb that no one Ichigo hasn’t thought to maybe at least try to go get him some antibiotics considering Ichigo’s the son of a freaking doctor and Ukitake is Rukia’s captain, so it’s not like he and Ichigo have never met.
Sigh. Oh well.
Even if you completely logic out Orihime that still doesn’t explain Mayuri, Urahara, Unohana (who btw has a giant whale ray the cures you while it eats you), oh yeah and finally it still doesn’t explain WHY A DEAD PERSON IS SICK
We can’t be blamed if you’re too lazy to read The Damned explanation as to why Unohana can’t heal him. Also Mayuri and Urahara are not doctors.
And asking why a dead person is sick? Let’s ask another question. How are dead people dying?
Scientist also do assist in finding cures or temporary quick fixes. Which is what he was going towards.
But Kubo doesn’t use logic so all this theory plotting we’re doing doesn’t co-exist with Kubo theory. This series is riddled with shit not explained and no one to blame but Kubo himself.
Which is why it’s a shitty manga, but bitching about why someone is sick is a waste of time. If they didn’t want him to be sick, he would’ve been healthy from the start of the series. Usually something like this is a copout to write out someone who’s ridiculously overpowered. I’m gonna assume it’s the case here.
(Indeed. This is entirely Kubo’s fault. Don’t expect him to ever address it either.)
While theory from Hogyoku Ex Machina leaves out Urahara, you have to remember that Urahara has only been around for about a century or so. Same with Mayuri. Additionally, most of the time, Urahara has been exiled from Soul Society.
Even if you’re accounting for like year or two that Yamamoto has turned a relative blind eye to allowing him back to at least having contact with Soul Society, you’re forgetting that Ukitake and him have never really been in contact with each other and that Urahara, as smart as he is, isn’t a medical doctor. While he might easily be able to cure Ukitake regardless of that, you have keep in mind that as much as we like Urahara, he’s pretty morally gray. It might simply not be in his “interest” to cure Ukitake.
That said, it’s a lot more likely that Kubo just never thought about it. So…
I read that as morally gay the first time and got confused as fuck.
Watching the anime right now and lol @ Aizen having footage of everything Ichigo was doing even in the Visoreds’ secret compound.
Guess I forgot how ridiculously retarded he was.
If only I’d have discovered this thread at the height of his trolling. I’m sure it would have been a sight.