But in the end, Ichigo is the ‘savior’…
but my goodness Kenpachi walked in with MONSTER swag…He’s got not one but TWO ninjas skewered on his sword. And he left his eyepatch on…marinate on that.
- :bluu:
But in the end, Ichigo is the ‘savior’…
but my goodness Kenpachi walked in with MONSTER swag…He’s got not one but TWO ninjas skewered on his sword. And he left his eyepatch on…marinate on that.
iirc I thought Kenpachi’s weapon could cut through anything…
I don’t think you can snap his sword unless his opponents really put his ankles in it…
They merked Kira already yo…
I think they were willing to kill Byakuya…
Again, I’ll wait till the funeral, but man…
Killin B’ now would be akin to how X3 just started randomly killing people who’s contracts were set to expire with fox.
Honestly Byakuya shouldn’t have won that battle against the Espada he fought. If plot armor wasn’t applied, everyone on the captain side would not have made it past the higher Espadas or Espada 7 (I think that was black dude Byakuya fought). Byakuya has been getting a free ride off wins since Ichigo fight. I’m not even counting the sub shinigami filler arc cause that shit wasn’t even worth doing/mentioning.
The Nigga espada was broken as fuck tho. Dudes after images were talking lol. That’s speed. Also his ability to control whatever he puts his seal on was mad OP. Honestly, I don’t see why he couldn’t just aim at ppls heads and insta Ko them. Byakuya had to fight him…no other captain that was there at the time could keep up…much less have a answer for his tech…outside of mayuri I guess.
Even mayuris opponent with the vodoo was broken. He could destroy you from the inside. Unless you have clones like mayuri and urahara…how do you fight him?? Bleach is a series of perfect counter picks
Sent from my NiggaTech using Tapatalk…yeaa buddy
Yeah pretty much everyone’s a counter pick. Only way I could see a free win is Mayuri with prep time. Even Urahara with prep time needed Ichigo assist so…yeah, Mayuri with the Batman prep time.
The thing with Mayuri and Urahara preptime is that they need to at least know what they’re up against beforehand. Otherwise they’re not preptime Aizen.
Gotta give it to them though, they are scientist so niggas are always preptime. Which doesn’t make sense on how Urahara all of a sudden got “sloppy” back in HM.
Well I’m not saying every time Mayuri steps onto the battlefield he wins. I’m saying that if he has the prep time and knows what he’s facing, THEN it’s a free win. Unless he’s facing Aizen.
Sheeeit, there’s no way in the world Zommari (espada #…7?) should lose to nearly anyone… it was one of the best examples of “villain stupidity” I’ve ever seen in a show. This is a guy that has perfect control over whatever part of the body he’s looking at… and the funny thing is that the released form of this guy has eyes everywhere, so he can always see everything. That’s so game-breaking it’s hilarious. With such power, your enemies can’t really do shit if you’re serious about using the power… one of my 50 or so eyes just focused on your head and face = instant game over for you. Even if you just toy with the person a bit…you should still easily kill them-- “well, I just glanced at your feet… I’ve decided you can’t run around anymore… now that I’m looking at your hands, you’re going to start slapping yourself in the face…because it amuses me.” Of course, Byakuya is not a battle you take lightly… that was basically his downfall… you’d have to kill someone that serious right away, and with that kind of power, it would be easy.
I wonder if Kubo can make up names that don’t sound like Megaman X bosses.
I can’t help but think of Haohmaru with this pic of Kenpachi.
I’ve been searching all over for the song that plays at 4:06, does anyone know the name of it? I got the soundtrack and everything and still can’t find it.
(Heh. I didn’t even notice that Kenpachi had two people skewered on his sword until a day after I read the latest chapter.
Also, yeah, he entirely looks like Haohmaru now that he has longer hair. Guess that means both those poor bastard got hit by s. :hp:)
So…I wasn’t kidding when I mentioned reading fan-fiction a page or two back. I should maybe save this, especially since it seems like everyone’s hyped for Kenpachi even though it seems extremely like to cut away at most half way through the next chapter.
However, I’ll probably forget. So, I’ll just say that anyone who actually cares about character development and enjoys seeing Yamamoto actually get face time and talk & fight quite a bit (with his unseen Bankai) might enjoy Hogyoku Ex Machina. It’s a lot better than its name (and initial premise) would make it seem and, hey, Gin’s alive in this.
Admittedly, it’s not very “action-y” beyond like three or four chapters, at least in terms of people using zanpakuto, and ending feels somewhat rushed even if still plausible. Definitely worth at least a bit of a read though.
I wasn’t talking about everything needing to be explained. Trust me, given how deeply flawed and/or utterly shallow many of Bleach’s core mechanics are and have been for years, I don’t expect Kubo explain shit outside of having people explain their powers even when it would mostly benefit them not to do so. Similarly, it has nothing to do with the Japanese in particular.
I just meant that one single line is slightly unclear as to whether As Nodt was talking to Renji or Byakuya about using shikai, but it doesn’t matter…just like Renji; As Nodt was probably talking to Renji, though, since I’m still of the mind that people who have had their Bankai stolen can’t use their shikai at all.
Haha. Where do you find this shit?
Yeah, basically. Zommari–who was indeed #7–basically had to be written as a prideful dumb-ass to stop him from being anywhere as busted as he should have been. Notice how most of that fight was basically a pissing contest over who was “actually” arrogant accompanied by constant, hypocritical denials and projections by both parties.
This even though Zommari still has–well, had–a few counters beyond probably just being straight-out be too powerful to be affected like Aizen (who has his own broken-ass illusion powers that he barely uses). Apparently Danku counters his abilities and Tousen’s bankai is probably a direct counter too as is Byakuya’s, but we’ve already pointed Byakuya out and how at least half of Bleach is about dumb-ass, brute force hard counters than any actual strategy to otherwise seemingly game-breaking abilities.
I always found the Espada ranking kinda bullshit anyway, though not nearly as bullshit as the “Aspects of Death” that Kubo pulled out of his ass when Barragan was beating up on Soi Fon; those “Aspects” still annoy me, if only because of the way they just randomly got brought up after half of Espada were already dead and then shortly before the rest all met defeat, but I digress.
Why Espada Rankings Were Pointless
[details=Spoiler]I mean, basically, Espadas #7-9 all have completely broken abilities. Aaroneiro (#9) had theoretically infinite growth and, to a degree, shapeshifting. Szayel (#8) had the ability to nullify most energy attacks he witnessed, the power to create clones, the power to do unavoidable internal organ damage, the power to control anyone or anything that ate him and the ability to fatally resurrect himself from anyone he touched. Zommari (#7) had straight out autonomy control that might have extended into intangible objects.
…Then we get #4-6 having completely lame shit, especially by comparison even with the multiplication of basic stats presumably being greater. Grimmjow (#6)…just becomes more feline-like with some missiles, a better cero and weird energy slashes. Nnoitra (#5) gets more arms. Ulquiorra (#4) gets javelins, an even better cero than Grimmjow and completely vestigial wings.
The top three aren’t really any better. Starrk (#1) and Harribel (#3) get moderately decent powers between being able to shoot dozens of high-power, tracking ceros rapidly & repeatedly and control of the element of water, respectively. And then Barragan, somehow #2, rears his ugly head with his power to decay almost anything into dust almost instantly just by breathing on it, which even affects energy (barriers) somehow. Hell, even unreleased, Barragan could slow-down time in a localized area and still rather quickly age bone & wither flesh just by touching it.
And that’s not even getting into the stupid bullshit of Yammy (#10) “really” being #0…but still having relatively unimpressive powers beyond just getting (really) big and still not being the actual strongest since Ulquiorra (#4) decided to “hide” that the fact that he was “really” #00.
And that is still not even getting into the temporary replacement stuff with Luppi, the whole Privon Esipada thing with anyone below #10 who got “kicked” out, Ayon/Allon and Nel’s whole deal.[/details]
All this bullshit was part of the many reasons those entire two arcs ended up having so much wasted potential…like almost much everything in Bleach unfortunately.
byakuya ‘dying’ = plot device for rukia to awaken her bankai which will end up being like ichigo’s and unable to be stolen by those quincy… she’ll still get her ass beat though
Kubo should just end the series right ‘here’ and do a spin off based around Kenpachi vs Aizen.
Damn I mean no matter how many times I look at the pic from this chapter, I’m amazed that some how Kenpachi The Great is still surprising me with his level of son-age. I’m expecting him to get rocked real hard for plot reasons…but…but…damn…homeskillet should be played by Kelsey Grammer in a live action movie cause he’s a BEAST! [/corny]
Kubo’s ultimate troll will be Aizen returning on the last page of the last issue of the manga.
fuck aizen
yo kenpachi ullllll
My exact words upon reaching the last page of this weeks chapter lol
I’m calling it now, ukitake will be one of the few captains to survive this ordeal even though he’s the closest one to death anyways…
Ukitake and Shunsui clearly holdin some shit down. But by the time Kubo gets to them…