BlazBlue in NorCal

Don’t worry, I haven’t… Well the full build that is. I guess I’ll start playing in arcades when I come back from NY though.

Mack just carpool with Jign when he goes.

Just a heads up, I was reading the post here and I do agree if you guys do see lag or if the game looks like youtube video on a Vewlix HD cabinet, I think the board NEEDS to be set on Hi-res mode. Tell your operator that they just need to flip dipswitch #2 to the “ON” position. All Blazblue boards are shipped with the dipswitch #2 set at default “OFF”. I’m sure after that is set on, you guys will see the light LOL :slight_smile:

Also, just a quick count, how many people do you guy see playing blazblue at SVGL?

Right now the people that consistently show up consist of most of the Norcal GG fanbase and all of the actual good Norcal Melty Blood people. Altogether this game usually has a line of around 6-10 people waiting around the cab.

is that daily or just during the weekends? How much they charging anyways?

was there monday(2pm-7) and there was about 5-6 heads at SVGL playing BB.

any move that uses D magnetizes you

his dp+c and his f+A also sucks. and sucks well.

yep. apparently after some combos you can stay magnetized for good 15 seconds

it seems like it’s faster off air cause it changes jump/tech trajectories but it might not be. not too sure

i think for A it’s like a second, for B it’s like 10 frames? no clue. just try to hold as long as you can and it’ll stop after a while. and yes, dustloop = where you can get all the answers.

btw, the lag is very noticeable. it’s actually really shitty.

Somebody relay this to the SVGL staff POST HASTE!!!

As for the head count, last saturday was like…12 people?

It’s 50 cents per plays and save for two days, I’ve been there every day since opening day and there’s always been a minimum of 5 people at once.

Thanks for the answers. good things to know…

Fixed LB

Now to come tomorrow and practice execution. Combo’s I’ve got down memorized.

Is the lag fixed yet?

Blazblue is up at SJSU now… just played last night for about 5 minutes.

checkerpatch: preposterous! what are you insinuating! i would never do such a thing!

i’m still messing around with ragna. his 6D is hella fun but i don’t understand all the properties yet. it seems like you get free double-jump options after it is hit/blocked so a good way to continue pressure. i don’t think it’s an overhead but if you RC, you can come down with a high so more options there.

his 6A effing sucks. everytime i try that as AA or inbetween strings, i just get CH and get pissed off.

doing ID followup for D ID is harder than C ID for no god damn reason.

dash cancels are fun.


blah gonna go play some BB today…hope the line isnt too insane. want to practice alot…

Why 6A when you have ENFAANO DEEVAIDAAAAA? Scrub.

because i’m sitting there mashing on dp motion mashing on c+d and it doesn’t come out.

don’t know if it’s lag or i just suck but it’s way easier mashing 6a out of blockstrings than dp when timing is involved.

I’ll take that as a no to my prior inquiry…nuts…P.S. Jeff and MadTeaParty are rolling with me to SVGL tomorrow so we’ll see ya’ll there. I’ll be handing out frosty boogie board setups all day!

I hope this doesn’t end up like playing SFIV, where I die to people who show no mercy to noobs.