Blazblue CS:EX newcomer help?

Hey guys, I just picked up Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend. It’s my first Blazblue game and I’m coming from Marvel. I’m starting to play Hazama and this game is actually pretty hard to get the hang of. Can anyone give me some tips or links to help me improve?

Well, the definitive site for BlazBlue is, but it’s more helpful once you have a bit more of a feel for the game.

I’ve written a couple of postsfor other people who were new to the game, and while neither is a precise match for your situation (Coming from Marvel), there’s probably still some okay advice in them.

The short form is that you’ll need to (in no particular order):

[]Acquaint yourself with the game’s systems - this can be done via the dustloop system guide (linked in the posts above), the ingame tutorial (has the advantage of being a little more hands-on), or by watching the Beginner Mode videos (very good info, somewhat diffuse presentation).
]Get a feel for your character’s move list - best done by screwing around in single player modes. This means both figuring out your normals/specials, but also for Hazama, figuring out how the heck his drive works and how to move around with it. (i.e. what direction the chain goes when you push a given direction, and how the various followups cause him to move.) You can also get some of this info off the Dustloop Wiki, but there’s no substitute for actually playing around with it.
[]Learn some basic combos for various situations (at the least, you should learn a midscreen combo, a corner combo, and some sort of throw combo.) Hazama also gets most of his damage from combos involving his Jayoku Houtenjin (Serpent’s Eternal Rapture) distortion drive (super), so learning a combo involving that wouldn’t hurt either. There are combos for these situations in his Challenge mode, though they’re pretty far from optimal; Still, learning them will give you a feel for how the character handles. Better combos can be found in the Dustloop Hazama combo thread.
]Play the game a lot. Also, feel free to come back and ask more specific questions either here or over at Dustloop; This should be plenty to get the ball rolling for now though.

as i dont want to start a new topic, can i ask if the online for extend is still active, i live in the uk, on a stable wired connection.

will online be viable?

i play a lot fo SF4 but recently finding it a bit too unfun for me, mainly because i have stopped improving and am not feeling it too much right now.

I’m in the UK, I play BB most days… Online is definitely viable, I don’t know the figures of how many people in the UK actually play BB, but the connection to Europe seems fairly good too, BB is meant to have really good netcode but I’m too much of a noob to fighters to discern between good and great… But if you have a game with someone in the UK there’s no lag at all really. It’s certainly enjoyable. Plus BB has a function to just play in training mode whilst you wait anyway. I do get quite a few ‘level 2’ connections which can be a little… awkward when comboing but it’s playable!

Ditto on the SF, BB seems a better game in my eyes…less… for lack of a better word ‘random’