BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma EXTEND announced!

Nope. They’ve been VERY coy about those characters. I actually don’t think it’s in their best interest to make them playable before the last major release in the series, otherwise, every game afterwards will be far less hype. :stuck_out_tongue:

Following this with great interest. Though I’m fascinated that they’ve taken some characters’ “mode” DDs and changed them to this new “overdrive” instead. (Furinkazan, AB2, Blood Kain? Kinda?)

The last bit in the trailer was a bit freaky. I think Hazama is trying to break the fourth wall… with several sledgehammers.

As for the trailer, Azreal and Bullet are pretty interesting, but I’m pretty meh on Amane on the moment, though that might change. I like Noel’s new outfit, but from the quick glimpses of the gameplay, I don’t know what we’ll see, so I will wait with bated breath to see what news comes our way.

Pretty goddamned excited, seeing as how the last dagger is probably being put into CSE tomorrow.

So why are the prices different for Super and CS/Extend? They were the exact same price in North America and Japan. I dont see how BB versions were that much more expensive in England. Inflating the costs for your troll post doesnt help your cause when its obvious to everyone the prices are outright wrong. And since when does the number of characters added = value you get? Go play Mugen if you want a 1000+ characters with 99% of them playing identical and/or unbalanced/non-tournament viable tier.

Here, I’ll do some trolling of my own. Ryu, Ken, Sakura, Dan, Gouken, Akuma, Sagat, Seth, Oni and Evil Ryu are all identical characters/clones with minor differences. Uppercuts, tatsu-like move forward moves and fireballs. Why even include them in the game if they play the exact same regardless of which one you pick. Ultimate Marvel was announced like 2 hours after vanilla shipped and included the 8 characters the director said were cut due to time prior to vanilla release. Shuma and Jill were $5 a pop and on disc playable by hackers on Day 1. You still paid $40 for Ultimate and they didnt even give you the DLC characters and playable. You ahve to download them still and pay for them despite just shelling out $60 + 40 for the real game like 6 months after release. Add another $10 for the whole game with DLC. $110 in a 6 month period for one game. Crazy.


(Is it just me or did they actually succeed in making Litchi and Makoto’s character portraits more… revealing?)

There was a definite buff to the collective bustline of the female characters in this release. :stuck_out_tongue: Makoto looks even more absurd now.

I sure hope they’re holding back Lambda-11/Nu-13 or some other similar murakumo unit for a late announcement. Would be pretty lame to drive away all the murakumo mainers.

Slightly hyped for the game, but with a tint of anxiety.

Also, anyone else think their naming sense is … unfortunate. Only thing worse would be BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Shift EXtend.



think of the acronyms

There’s no ‘shift’ in this title, so you can put your acronym related fears to rest.

I agree that I think it’s a bad idea to drop the Murakumo units from the game from a gameplay side. I’m curious to see how they approach that.

I think it is too early for anyone to worry about characters, if this game follows BB tradition, we will see new ones in the console release. Also Amane seems like he might be the range replacement for the Murakumo units, but if this is really the final installment, I expect the ranged bitch to make a comeback as a secret character or something (hopefully not paid DLC but it is BB).

But either way, I can’t wait for this game. Love the series.

I don’t really see why people are saying that “long ranged character Y” is a valid replacement for “Long ranged character X”. That’s like saying “Oh, we took Makoto out of the game, but you can just play Ragna.” Uhm. No.

Did they say that this was the final installment? I didn’t see that anywhere.

What the fuck man info is so sketchy it’s making this game sound retarded to the west.

> Genuinely fucking retarded changes to Bang + Jin + Carl
> Mu + Lambda getting Murakumowned

The fuck mang. Bang changes making me ill.

5D No longer JC’able and it also does not combo into 623B
623B no longer bounces ANYWHERE on the screen
New Move is a GLIDE

So hyped for this game but damn. I’m really glad this is only the first Loketest.

Also lol @ Amane replacing Murakumo’s. I want what you’re smoking.

They didn’t officially, but Mori has been on about how BB was “conceived as a trilogy” or something like that. Of course, he’s also been quoted as saying something like “I’m having a hard time wrapping up the story in three games.” so uh… who knows.

Everybody got hit with nerfs. They’re obviously trying something new here so the nerfs look way worse than they are. Apparently, wall-bounce and corner-bounce don’t exist any more. Instead, it’s a “wall-stick”. I dunno what that means.

In any case, it’s the first location test so there’s no need to freak out yet.

I think it’s a little early to call them nerfs, just changes. Calling “x move no longer cancels to y move” isn’t explicitly a nerf, unless the resulting change to combo structure actually results in less potential maximum damage.

A bloo bloo bloo, we might have to learn new combos in a new game…

Naw man you don’t understand.

5D was Bang’s only launcher on crouchers midscreen. You can’t do anything after it now.
623B is essential to Bangs corner combos. Without this, he gets the same damage in the corner as he does midscreen

Essentially. 6C would be his only launcher. And that only works on standing opponents. It’s no excuse for new combos, the most damage I could do midscreen would be 2K on Standing and 1.03K ish on crouching. Those would be my BNB’s.

I think their just trying to make it so combos don’t last forever, and so you don’t have that “well guess i’ll go get some chips from the kitchen” feeling anymore, that’s one of the more frequent complaints i hear, and i’ll say i’m not against it as long as everyone still has combo options and the combos still feel stylish

Anyone notice the screenshot with cracked open Murakumo container boxes? I think they’re hinting at something.

Hmm… I think one of the Murakumo Units might return on Chrono Phantasma.

This definantly make me wanna get back into bb. Haven’t played since calamity trigger.