BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Thread (Good Games, Matchmaking and Discussi

ggs to anyone i played…

Good games to both of you and EC Subbie
I hope my Jin was not to spammy (I am trying to not rely on the multi slash C spam, except for using it for spacing)

EC’s Nu was insanely good, I could barely move in.

GGs to AbstractFactory.

Haven’t had a chance to play any decent v-13’s yet and I feel like I learned a ton from playing you. Noticed you adapting once I figured out some of those strings, good stuff man. We’ll definitely have to play again some time.

Just finished my first peek into ranked matches. Won some, lost some. Lots to learn still for sure though. Looking forward to it.

GG’s to anyone I might’ve run into.

GGS to everyone I played. man my Haku needs work (or do I just need to find a new character)

GGs to all non-ragequiiters or hatemail senders I’ve played since release.

GG’s if I played any SRK peeps. I SUCK at this game. Haku and Jin own my Tager for free.

I played some fun matches til 5 this morning. So 2 everybody from SRK that I played and dustloops… good shiz… it was mad fun although i did get raped against Haku-men and Iron Tager (i just dont know how 2 fight them yet) but I will learn

GGs to Meathook, PelvicThrust69, xEreki, and anyone else I came across tonight. And a big GG to the guy who I double perfected and didn’t drop, way to be a man.

I feel like an old man in these forums nowadays, But GG’s to everyone I played today.

GGs str[e]ak. That Bang was fun to watch more then deal with. :rofl:


though you didnt mention me ggs. i cant hear voice messages on my xbox so w/e you sent me i didnt get it earleri this week.

GGs to all srk ppl i played today

Yeah I thought I recognized your name but I wasn’t sure. KenEsque? Your Tager is a beast :tup:

yea im kenesque.

if anyone plays any of tagers shit matchups that arent rachel (carl/nu/arakune), get at me on XBL, ive yet to play a person who can beat me in a set with those characters (besides fubarduck who i never get to play for any length of time).

GG to everyone but the 2 ragequit I played today

Kensk I mess around with Arakune a bit and if you want to run a few games I am down. I also play jin if you are requesting not to play Arakune users.

ggs deadlyraveneo

you’ve helped regain my interest in playing BB :slight_smile:

GGs to Chiefwakka, LadyFascination, Jiyuna, Ikaryu from last night :tup:

7/16 edit: GGs to Jiyuna and Renhoff. Jiyuna… some day I will beat you. And it will be the greatest day ever :looney:

GG to SHADOWREDzero. Whooped up on me ALOT and taught me that not every Jin is a random scrub spammer.

Gotta get more practice XD