Blast Unlimited: New Weekly Clips Compilation Show, Submissions Wanted!

Ep 7

Ep 8

No Blast Unlimited just yet, but I’ve made a new Cross Assault Compilation!! Other than the Best of Season 4 video, I haven’t really made a proper cross assault compilation and I was hoping to make this one as good as possible. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed =]

Ep 9

that rolento…seriously…good thing Juri smacked the bitches up for that.

Grab fest.


Hey, thanks for all the submissions, however if there’s a particular moment you want me to see it’d be cool if you could point it out.

I’m sorry Kreeper (Kax?), but nothing you uploaded seemed to be even remotely interesting. Firstly, the replays all looked like those of a match that was very laggy. Secondly, not a single person even did a full combo (not even a decent post tag combo), and the only person to link/hit confirm in those uploads was that guy/lars player.

No offense, but I regretted watching these.

It’s Kax. (Supposedly “Kax’s friend” according to a conversation I had with him)

I admit, the most exciting match to me was that one with the Kazuya/Bryan. But tbh I’m not here to judge the skill or depth of matches, cause some of the best Blast series moments have come from matches that weren’t very high level. It’s why I asked him to point out what moments we thinks I should see, I’ll only really judge that.

How about this one?

Great find =D

Thanks. Happened in one of my online matches (I’m ThePerson1256 on youtube, LordWilliam1234 everywhere else, though you probably already figured that out).

Not sure if this one was featured in your video’s already: