Blanka Video Thread

This is some great stuff but I’d like to see vids of this guy playing against other chars, do you know of any?

Also, since I keep noticing lots of good Blanka players in vids doing standing jab xx HP elec, I have to ask, what is the advantage of that, if any, as opposed to cr. LK xx HP elec? Is it a range thing? Perhaps ease of execution? Crouching LK is a better move frame-wise on both hit and block than standing close LP, and it has to be blocked low obviously. Plus, since I am hitting both LP and LK to start it there is the option select of teching throws.

Oh man, definitely some great Blanka talent in the vids, I’m learning a lot just by watching. I guess I didn’t realize just how versatile things like Hop and FADC were, gonna have to find a way to mix these up in my play a little more. The Blank Ball to Special and Hop to Ultra are pretty badass too and I’m loving all the different little punches to Electricity that people are using.

Thanks for posting the vids MOVAL, it’s reassuring to see a great Blanka player mixing it up and holding his own with some pro competition.

Also, any timing tips on the Ball > Super? I tried it last night (granted it was on my crappy 360 controller) and I wasn’t ever able to get the timing down. It’s just Back > FP > Back > FP? It seems too good to be true but I’m having trouble landing it.

I think the LP they hit with the first one of a piano’d elec, so he uses it for ease of execution. That’s why he’s so fast with it… Also slightly better range for his follow up of jab > HP Elec afterwards he does so often.

This one is another amazing Blanka mirror match.

Way more shennanigans than just combos.

If you youtube “???:BL” though, you’ll see a lot of hits, and a few matches against Vega (Dictator), though at whatever event these are from it doesn’t look like many people weren’t Blanka or Vega… /shrug


is blanka’s middle punch ball the only one that can cross up? or is it just the easiest?

its shizouka saiko, dunno how its spelt exactly.

this video is pretty entertaining…

aoki’s blanka again…


The Blanka later in this match is gdlk. He locked the opponent down with jab -> electricity and walked up and did it again (not that it’s hard to get out of, just looks like it’s fast).

So yeah hit up my question in the other Blanka thread I wanna know how to lock with this thing -_-.

There it is, at 17:24. He did jab into electricity, then walk up standing jab into electricity. Probably the only cool thing this fucking character can do other than combo his ultra off of a low forward. But yeah that’s gdlk, how you do that

edit: I just looked at the whole match again, man that lockdown makes Blanka actually look fun.

I believe the best way to do quick walkup jab > HP elec would be to piano lp, mp, hp, lp, hp. I’ve been practicing it and am getting it down, not 100% yet though. You gotta be really fast obviously.

edit: haha at the end of that video there is complete Dhalsim buttrape occurring, just sick!

your videos moval are awesome, you totally rock.
btw, pardon my offtopic but i am curious. Which stick do you use, moval?

thanks! im getting a madcats te stick when it’s available again. but right now i’m using a dead or alive ex hori loaner from shglbmx.

like posted before

at 16:20, this is Satan Blanka

this is what blanka players should aspire to

that was a SICK blanka right there. brilliant.

Couple more vids of ??? (second half/late into the video), I think from the same tourney.

Nice vids fella’s but it’s a shame they make the blanka player play almost last in every vid.

Only scrubs use MACRO’S! 1 button hop=scrub.:rofl: And your trying to call others that play in the arcade a scrub.:confused: Wow what big balls you have.:rolleyes: You can’t set your 1 button hop in the arcade or at any tournament I run.:arazz: So you need to stick to playing against your scrubby friends with your scrubby handicap to do something that is a simple as pressing 3 buttons at the sametime. If you can’t press 3 buttons at the same time then you need to stop playing sf.:rofl::rolleyes:

Sick blanka man, and i’m not easily impressed!

Another good blanka player.

thats the coolest stuff ive ever seen

Just some videos of me at a tournament last weekend.

Blanka VS Dictator

Blanka VS C Viper

Blanka VS Blanka / Sim

Nice Blanka man. Thanks for posting these. I learned some shit that should spice my Blanka up some more. Sick fight between you and Viscant. Keep em coming.