Blanka thread

J.strong I believe is his best air to air attack, other than jump straight up fierce. J. fwd doesn’t have any use that I can think of.

Use j.jab in situations where you will get out prioritized from other attacks from a jump-in. It’s good against a lot of things.

Yeah dXp uses strong for air to air.

Jump medium kick can beat some slide kick air defenses. Less effective than jump fierce but easier to time. IIRC there’s an example or two of this in the recent Mikado vids. AFO vs. Gian maybe.

j.jab = air-to-air, many hitting frames, great priority, no blue box on arm.
j.strong = Does more damagem than jab, however his arm has poor priority compared to jab. Strong has blue box all over his arm,
j.fierce = powerful, low hitbox for countering certain anti-airs
j.short = crossup mania
j.forward = fair range, above average priority from afar, poor priortiy if your close. Meaning make sure to hit with his extened foot, not his leg.
j.RH = range and power, but poor priority. Tons of characters can even jab him out of ths if Blanka does not place his feet just right. He has a really small hit box at the end of his foot along with a really big blue box.

*Additions are bolded and for the diagonal jumping attacks only.

I KNEW his j.jab was better than most thought. No blue box on the arm at all!? That explains a lot. It is a great tool to get in on characters like Dhalsim and Chun. I knew the j.RH had poor priority. I mainly just use its range after fireballs and whatnot. j.short and j.jab FTW!

Just FYI, I would not say it is GREAT versus Dhalsim. It is just another tool. Every one of Sims AA normals can beat it. However, if you use it on conjuntion with his other jump-ins, it messes with Sims postional AAs to allow Blanka to sqeak a hit in at some angles.

Becareful, you may get the hit, but if they throw a slow FB (Guile/SIm), you will land on it and get knocked down.

Any tool in a match up against Sim is GREAT :wgrin:

Hi guys~
i’ve recently decided i wanted to be a fulltime blanka player
i just wanted to know who does blanka have a disadvantage against?
i know honda is really hard to fight
but what about Dhalsim,Boxer and Claw?
i know theres going to be a lot in ranbats im gonna be at

is it C.Lk>C.Lk>Blanka ball or C.Mk>C.MK>Blanka ball?
and which is best for overhead MK or LK?

i would also like to know about the honda machup cause i considered playing
blanka but i dont want to get counterpicked by some pussy who decides to use honda

Honda - Blanka is pretty even, actually. Both characters can play a pretty good turtle/run away game and both characters can pressure the opponent on the opponent’s wakeup. Once either character gets his turtling set up, it’s really hard for the other character to get in, which means that this matchup is really about doing enough damage and getting into a good enough position to set up that turtle game. For you Blanka players, Blanka’s far jumping short has a great hitbox that beats just about all of Honda’s attacks, including headbutt, butt slam, antiairs, and jumping attacks (but not at some ranges), so his turtle game consists of him doing jumping short or back jumping short over and over again. Blanka can play pressure games with crossup jumping short or max-range jumping short into nonsense, ball crossups, electricity, and so forth. He can play at mid-range too with jumping short (what, it’s a good move) and standing short. Honda actually doesn’t want to turtle as much as people usually think, he just wants to control Blanka’s options.

It’s an even and interesting matchup that can be played differently by different players. You can YouTube some videos of good players playing it if you want to see how it works out.

What about Vega vs. Blanka matchup?

huh i never thougth about using jumping short to space honda i was under the impression that honda’s air game was better than Blanka’s

i was also wondering about sagat i know you can slide under high fireballs
but the problem is o.sagats beaslty normals:(

Sorry guys, I’m a Honda player, not a Blanka player.

By the way, I should say that I still think Honda beats Blanka, but it’s close, 6-4 max.

yeah, blanka’s jump short is a pain in the ass against honda. ;(

Honda vs Blanka

Ummm no! Yes this match is not as lopsided as you may think, but Honda still holds a decent advantage. Hondas hands and the timing of his headbutts are key in this matchup. I can get a free chip of energy off of Blanka every other time he jumps with short. its all a timing issue. Even if Blanka Turtles Honda only needs to do repeated Hands across the screen until he is within Hands range then punish with block damage… With either a well timed headbutt or chip damage from hands. It does create many problems for Honda but it is beatable. As for crossing up Honda … very tough to do against Honda…at least against mine. You really need to avoid playing aggressively against Honda with Blanka you just play into Hondas hands. (never jump in on Honda) I still say its perhaps 7-3 or 6.5-3.5 in favor of Honda, it all depends.

This is good advice. :tup: Ehonda’s a rock star:rock:!

However, I would like to use the jp. forward kick in some situations. It does 50% more life. However it has little less invulnerablity though out his hitbox (ultradavid) on his leg compared to the Jp.short, but is able to hit farther out on his foot. (YBH)

One thing to remeber is that it does not stay out nearly as long thorugh out the jump arc like the jp.short. So, you’ll need to learn to place it better in your jump arc, as compared to just throwing out the jp. short.

If you think you’ll land on top of honda’s head butt (back, butt, and legs) as you are jumping away, use the the forward, if you think you will land closer to honda’s head use short.

I only know this matchup from Honda’s perspective, but I’m pretty sure Blankas were throwing out jumping short most of the time. I know you want the hitbox as strong as possible on the foot, isn’t short better for that? And you want it out there for as long as possible, since you never know when Honda’s gonna try a max range hands or headbutt or something. And if you’re pulling a max range jumping attack, you probably want short to try to get an easier safe jump out of it.

Unfortunately I could only find one Honda v Blanka [media=youtube]gCpCu_WZY8Y"[/media] on YouTube, even though I know more are out there (I have a bunch on my hard drive, for example). But you can basically see here that I’m pretty much right about how Blanka should play it. It’s not 7-3, best case for N Honda it’s 6-4.

that crossover ball after bite was dreamy

I wish i could have taped the nohoho vs myself matches. they were some classic Honda vs Blanka matches. He would be the person to ask from the Blanka point of view. We have played exactly 20x and its 14-6, BUT…the first was a 3-0 $$ i think we played 3 more games after this and I went 2-1. we played again at a tourney in philly a few weeks later and it went 2-1 , 2-3 then either 3-1, 3-2 or 4-2 i forget if the finals was best of 5 or 7 games. So i stand by my 7-3 advantage BUT the next time we play will be probably the accurate score. he made the adjustment this time to narrow the score now its my turn to adjust to his new play style vs my Honda. Its a constant learning relearning experience. Just when you think that you have it all figured out someone else brings something new to the table to think about.

yeah i agree with honda having the advantege cause i’ve played Blanka in tournaments and i cant count the times when im winning a macht and somebody counterpicks me with honda

I am much more comfortable fighting Gief, thawk, cammy and fei than i am now against blanka. Ive played the top Fei-long and Cammy and Zangief players and none have gotten the best of Honda.