I notice you don’t have Info for the Fuerte matchup. I use him, here’s some info.
Blanka ball is a bad idea in general on Fuerte, but only if the Fuerte player is smart enough to stay put, if you have a Fuerte that is turtling and not running around, he is at least aware of the matchup. If Fuerte is running around all over the place, he’s either a fool or you’re doing something wrong.
Blanka Balls can be Punished by Fuerte if he’s fast enough, he can block, then command run -> slide
Quesadilla bomb (he runs at you and chest thumps) beats it as well, so does f st mp, f st FP, far standing HK even crouching slide. Dont over use the blanka ball.
Tortilla Propeller (command back run xx FP, he spins you around with your head in a leg lock) beats Electricity cleanly all day everyday.
Vert Ball is your best wake up option as it beats alot of his okizeme clean.
Rainbow Rolls. careful if he is alert and focus’ these, at best you eat clHK launcher xx Guacamole at worst you just got RSF’d, if he Airthrows, I suppose you can consider that an insult…
Ultra: Fuerte’s ultra is best used defensively. once he has it, DO NOT Rainbow Ball or jump recklessly
Blanka’s Ultra can get interrupted or avoided completely by EX Guacamole let the thing go, dont stay put in hope he runs into it, a smart Fuerte will FA you from behind, and then it’s RSF time.
Fuerte has the 3rd best Air Throw in the game (2nd is Vega, 1st is Guile of course) properly done, he can grab you out of Horizontal and Vert Balls, and throw you after a focused Rainbow.
EDIT: Fuerte can control the distance of the following: Wall jump, Ultra, Tostada Press, Tortilla Propeller, Fajita Buster, Wal jump’d Tostada, Wall Jump’d Fajita, Quesadilla Bomb
Also, do not ever get cornered by him, if you think his shenanigans and running around is annoying, it’s nothing compared to being cornered by him.
Edit 2: Blanka is easily one of Fuerte’s worse matchups. It’s not comfortable at all. Fuerte MUST avoid Blanka’s ultra at all costs and do to the balls, Fuerte can’t really run around alot. Don’t screw up or get overly jumpy and you should stand a good chance. definetly 6-4 in Blanka’s favor.