Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

shingouki guy:

For bl viper, take a look at :
This is me v. flash metroid’s viper.

There are also a couple of me v shigz, a local viper player, who in my opinion is at least as good as flash.

contrlling the ground, jab into elec, and anti-air up-ball stops much of viper’s stuff.

I don’t know where you get yer info, but the match is a 5-5, not in either players favor, and really depends on who knows the matchup better. My opinion only, but lets say I play a shit ton against viper.

Some guy at eventhubs is going crazy saying it is impossible for Abel to beat Blanka. He says it is a 1-9 matchup at best for Abel and that Blanka is borderline OP and needs to be nerfed hella. You guys agree with him?

LoL… No

I see you have a sense of humour. That’s always good.

this is obvious stuff people should know already. the whole mk was to beat close up ex seismos and random crossup burning kick rush.

My info? From playing flash like every other day. I never said it wasn’t 5-5 or that Viper eats Blanka. All I said was it’s hard to fight her when she’s all up in your face rushing you and crossing you up with seismos. hence my tips.

btw getting coached my so many people during a match really throws your opponent off. way to be a bitch. this shouldn’t be allowed even in pool play. nice blanka tho. wish I could play you but I only have sfiv pc since I don’t really have a need for a console with a shitload of games I’ll never play.

edit: forgot that was pre-japan flash. he plays much different now.

Chun li matchup -

can anyone confirm this for me while im at work? if not no worries.

Ball at chun while she has ultra. she blocks and punishes you.
However, in a match yesterday the guy tried to punish a Ex Hori-ball (on block) and chuns ultra wiffed.

was it shit play or does it actually reset you further back and put you somewhat safe? if so, it could be use to bait out ultra and then punish w/ your own ultra. making the chun match up a little easier.

EDIT :read page 1 chun matchup. says its punished. sorry for the shit post.

Situational questions…

You’ve just blocked lk.scissor kick, what is your response?
-I will go with 1 standing jab and see how they react. It seems to snuff a lot of follow ups and gives me room to perform a neutral jump and reassert momentum.

Against a Guile who knows the Blanka match-up and keeps his sonic booms limited to short range extend poke type actions with a follow up (snuffs ex roll through ball).
-I try and hesitate the response to punish the poke with cr. mp or cr. hp, but I never really have a solid answer for the situation.

Lastly, I know Claw is supposed to be in Blanka’s favor, but a combination of little experience in the fight compounded by only playing Claw players who are just better than me has me confused as to how to address the fight. Just looking for general thoughts on this one. So far, I try to ‘move when he moves’ such that if Claw takes to a wall, I horzontal ball forward or lk.rainbow roll. I know I can out damage him, but it seems like there’s something threatening I need to do more often to limit his options (aside from vertical ball). I don’t know, am I just off here?

Edit: I have to give this thread and discussion a LOT of credit. If you read through the match up threads for other characters, their analysis of vs Blanka matches makes him sound like he’s the most free-to-own character in the game. Really, it seems like most of the advice out there on the other side of things is based off of play against scrub Blankas. The discussion in this thread is useful and not written in some fantasy world where we’re trying to make our character tops by merely stating he is.

What the fuck can you do against cammy? I even get scrubbed out y the cannon drill/cannon spike cammys.

block. block them drills, punish with upball. electricity beats out her spinning backfist ( FA gets shattered). her killer bee combo(demonflip) ( i think thats what its called, where she spins in a ball and can either sweep or throw you) eats upball when timed proper.
only Xup when you know that her CS will wiff, and you get a free slide.

Don’t ball. Period…

Except EX up ball as anti-air or horizontal ball to move or chip kill. Any blocked ball (and most on hit) is going to eat either HK drill or Ultra. It’s not worth it.

Stay mobile, play safe, and force Cammy to open herself up to beat her out. All she can do to crack the shell is throw and tk cannon strike. The throws you can tech, which only leaves tk strike to actually *worry *about. So long as you’re not hunkered down on down-back, you should be ok in that regard. That’s over-simplistic, but that’s what it breaks down to.

Standing mp and lp will beat out a lot of stuff. is the best tool at mid-range and cr.hp has its uses as well (but can be punished on occasion)

Standing hk will beat all of her jump ins except for an active cannon strike where it will trade.

Lastly, if you’re sweating online matches against Cammy, don’t get too upset. She can do stuff online that isn’t really applicable offline. If you’re blocking cannon drill and then eating cannon spike on your retaliation efforts, it’s likely just the lag. You can punish blocked drills when she does them at too close a range, but it becomes very hard to punish ANY drill because of spike’s startup teamed with lag. (also, her walking speed makes many throws really tough to deal with online)

Hate Cammy… can’t seem to block the low Special or high Special (Cannon Spike and the other one, can’t remember which is which).

Hopefully all your advice will help out. Thanks.

I got a friend who plays Blanka, I play Viper. We play a lot and we know a bit about the match up.

I also know that electricity will stuff mostly anything I want to do without having to turtle up.

Posted this cause there’s nothing in the first post concerning Viper/ Blanka.

I feel myself that if tries rush down blanka shuts them down pretty fast and they have to totally adjust their gameplay.

RE: Viper

Again, don’t horizontal ball. She gets free Seismo and whatever after that. Same thing with wake-up vertical ball. Just don’t.

Don’t jump to hit her from anywhere that isn’t cross-up range. HP Thunderknuckle seems to really beat out most of Blanka’s jump ins.

Blanka’s standing HK will cause some grief or at least cause the Viper to reconsider closing distance with fire kick.

lk ball, while kind of crappy in most situations seems to eat cross-up fire kick for breakfast. It also seems to create a little confusion as to how the characters will land depending on how late you do the up ball. Blanka doesn’t mind this, but Viper will.

I find lp elec pressure is good against Viper once you get her in the corner, but the thing is that ex.Seismo does weird things to Blanka’s pressure and the risk of eating one and the follow up isn’t really worth it.

I think the match up is close to 5-5, but it maybe 6-4 in Blanka’s favor. I think the way to approach it is to play very, very safe. Any instances of single hits or trades are going to be in Blanka’s favor, but any instances for large damage or momentum changes are in Viper’s favor. So, as Blanka, your job becomes to reduce those openings.

The point at which Blanka should press Viper is when he is able to set up some cross-up games. late, repeat to train them, then st.lp, elec/exElec That sort.

I’ve played a few Vipers who I felt were better players than I was, but with whom I still pulled out wins against them because my mind was on attrition and the clock. EX.upball counter hit + hop away x2 is a lot of life and time that goes by before Viper has to risk getting in again.

I notice you don’t have Info for the Fuerte matchup. I use him, here’s some info.

Blanka ball is a bad idea in general on Fuerte, but only if the Fuerte player is smart enough to stay put, if you have a Fuerte that is turtling and not running around, he is at least aware of the matchup. If Fuerte is running around all over the place, he’s either a fool or you’re doing something wrong.

Blanka Balls can be Punished by Fuerte if he’s fast enough, he can block, then command run -> slide

Quesadilla bomb (he runs at you and chest thumps) beats it as well, so does f st mp, f st FP, far standing HK even crouching slide. Dont over use the blanka ball.

Tortilla Propeller (command back run xx FP, he spins you around with your head in a leg lock) beats Electricity cleanly all day everyday.

Vert Ball is your best wake up option as it beats alot of his okizeme clean.

Rainbow Rolls. careful if he is alert and focus’ these, at best you eat clHK launcher xx Guacamole at worst you just got RSF’d, if he Airthrows, I suppose you can consider that an insult…

Ultra: Fuerte’s ultra is best used defensively. once he has it, DO NOT Rainbow Ball or jump recklessly

Blanka’s Ultra can get interrupted or avoided completely by EX Guacamole let the thing go, dont stay put in hope he runs into it, a smart Fuerte will FA you from behind, and then it’s RSF time.

Fuerte has the 3rd best Air Throw in the game (2nd is Vega, 1st is Guile of course) properly done, he can grab you out of Horizontal and Vert Balls, and throw you after a focused Rainbow.

EDIT: Fuerte can control the distance of the following: Wall jump, Ultra, Tostada Press, Tortilla Propeller, Fajita Buster, Wal jump’d Tostada, Wall Jump’d Fajita, Quesadilla Bomb

Also, do not ever get cornered by him, if you think his shenanigans and running around is annoying, it’s nothing compared to being cornered by him.

Edit 2: Blanka is easily one of Fuerte’s worse matchups. It’s not comfortable at all. Fuerte MUST avoid Blanka’s ultra at all costs and do to the balls, Fuerte can’t really run around alot. Don’t screw up or get overly jumpy and you should stand a good chance. definetly 6-4 in Blanka’s favor.

Top 5 worst Blanka matchups (for me, at least)

  1. Sagat
  2. Dhalsim
  3. Boxer
  4. Seth
  5. Honda

obviously, 4 and 5 are interchangeable… but i think that the general consensus is that the top 3 = unholy trinity >:( again, this is just my opinion

For me, its…

  1. Bison
  2. Sagat
  3. Abel
  1. balrog
  2. sagat
  3. bison

sagat, balrog, cammy, honda, bison, fei, sim, chun, abel, seth, rufus. in tht order

balrog, Fei (Starnabs), abel, honda, bison, Sagat, sim, chun

If I come up against a good player for any if these its an uphill battle from the start!

Blanka mirror match is an absolute nightmare for me heh.


What can Blanka do upclose against Dhalsim? There was this one Dhalsim i played who managed to shut me down a little bit upclose with his back+MK and back+LK. (i think it’s LK, not sure though) It seemed to stuff every normal i try to hit him with? I know, HP elec is your best friend up close but i can’t get that stupid move to come out consistently yet.