Blanka Discussion #7 Option Selects

Video on OS Basics

Common OS types in SF4:

Safejump - You will block their reversal after your jumpin if they do do reversal, but if they do not you will be able to pressure on block or combo on hit. Blanka example: f.throw, dash, hop,

Chain OS - chainable normal, canceled into another chainable normal+an anti backdash/reversal move where the whiff of the first chainable move will cause the chain to break resulting in the higher priority normal coming out, balrog cr.lp x This has no application for Blanka because he’s crappy and doesn’t have chains. Variant on whiff os but using the chaining system.

Whiff OS - move whiffs, other crap comes out. Most commonly used in safejump situations to let you chase backdashes in addition to blocking reversals, but can also be applied on the ground. A kind of cool whiff os with Blanka is xx electricity then mashing on sweep. If the is backdashed you’ll end of sweeping them. Not universal but still solid especially agianst characters with poor backdashes.

Priority OS - due to the hierarchy of inputs you can force the game to do multiple things at once depending on opponent actions. Throw tech+focus backdash os is a great example of this. If thrown you’ll tech, but if nothing happens/they hit buttons you’ll simply focus backdash. OS - because you can tech throws while crouching, but can’t throw while crouching this allows you to add a throw tech option to a crouching normal. Cr.teching kind of sucks with Blanka, but it can be useful in some situations.

Far vs. Close OS - Don’t see mentioned much but I’m a huge fan of this vs. Rose especially. Dominant option being close, and if your opponent moves backwards(normally through backdash you get the far version of the button you hit). Vs. Rose as Blanka you can do safejump, delayed Now if Rose backdashes you will get far mp to hit her backdash, if the hits your will combo, if the was blocked you get a ch setup, and if she does reversal ex spiral you will counterhit her out of it allowing you a combo.


Discuss OS’s and stuff

I will edit the OP later with my stuff at a later time. I need to sleep then celebrate being old.


I’ll do this later tonight maybe. I’ve just been busy sorry folks.

sadly not much going on here…

OSs are the part of the game i need to improve a lot!
i use OS slide after jump ins when i see them do focus backdashes, but that mostly only works once, because they let the focus hit the second time and i get wooped :frowning:

Besides from OS slide… and OS for tech throws, OS jab xx Ball… OS into ultra… (still haven’t landed this yet in a actual match)

I recently discovered you can do OS hop the same way you do OS slide… against dictator/dhalsim you might get a free throw … haven’t played with it enough to know if there’s anything else that’s good about this.


OS Slide goes under wake up Ex Bingo because of the really long start ups on both moves. Blanka is probably one of the only characters in the game with a move slow enough to OS this haha.

I like OS sweep because it allows me to keep charge, especially if I want to keep the super option available from a frame trap/clean hit. Also don’t have to worry about what side I’m landing on in the case of set ups that can put me either side depending on the opponents reaction.

It’s possible to OS sweep in between two crouching shorts using hitstop frames. This can be neat if you’re doing a meaty and don’t want to lose to wake up backdash. The timing is much stricter than for someone with a chainable short like Chun though.

OS Standing Awesome/Fierce works against Fei players who want to use chicken wing to escape ambiguous jump ins.

Tested OS hop stuff back in Vanilla (or early Super?). OS hop jab xx elect beats stuff like Vega’s backflip. If it hits, you get jab xx elec. If he flips, you hop and get jab xx elec. I haven’t used this in a while though.

Option select HP elec / cr/st.HP against Honda:

Basically just the crouching HP or standing HP that would have activated the elec in a xx hp.elec if the whiffs