Blanka Crossup Super?

Hey guys, noob here, (obviously.) So yes, lately, I’ve been playing w/ some guys at the arcade and I’ve seen a C Blanka hit 3 consecutive supers(charge b, f, b f+p) on someone waking up. I understand that its possible to do the super as a crossup, but how do you do it to someone in a corner? Also, how do you defend against it?

Edit: Also, is this specific to blanka or does this work with anyone else? Thanks.

a. you can only do it in the corner if you use the 2p crossup glitch, or they arent all the way in the corner

b. you have to guess based on the timing of the super on which direction to block. different grooves have some extra options too. if youre p groove you can optionselect parry/block, roll groves and can wakeup reversal roll which is pretty hard, a groove can wakeup activate but outside of those (and maybe wakeup dodge) you dont have alot of good options.

c/p/s-groove can delay get up and block backwards (if at all).

if they start from far enough, you can also try to reversal dp out of it. just have to make sure you do finish the dp motion before they cross you up, so then it won’t matter which side he’s at, the dp will turn you around if needed.

and last but not least, wakeup super to counter his super :stuck_out_tongue: Again, just finish the stick motions before blanka crosses you up.

did the guy commit suicide after?

I like to just block it.

He should have become an hero.

my friend has mastered those wake up balls and gets me with them like 99% of the times seriously

which one, the blanka or my friend? LOL:sweat:

sounds like you had one hell of a time.

I was gonna say…Keith’s mastered mashing on balls…but WAKE UP BALLS??? That’s skillz.

I’ve been hit by that shit…I think a lot of people have…but if you’re getting hit by it often enough to post a thread about it…you might want to consider not letting him knock you down with a charge opportunity…or like Nick said, just block the damn thing. The only times I get hit by it are when it’s completely ambiguous, which is only when he ends up directly over you when you’re getting up…but still, factor in when he did it ('cause you can think while the super flash is going on to judge how far away you are), if he’s in C, you should probably take note of which speed of ball he used, try to remember how fat your character is, option select a blocking method…'cause that’s how you should be getting out of crossup anything anyway…Why the fuck do I post shit like this? Fucking boredom.


-mastering wakeup balls since 1982

:sweat: :sweat:

Keep It Up With Those Gay Jokes. Bitches

kim’s presence just kills this thread completely.

wake up balls makes a hell of a morning.

kim this thread is about wake up balls, not waking up to balls, GTFO


aka blankAX

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ahh allen…I understand your humor…:lovin:
(it’s just too bad that everyone else does not have “permission”)

Wake Up Balls ! :]

not just regular wake up balls, sometimes it’s wake up super balls!!!