Blackburn boy, 13, rapes sister, 8, after watching porn on Xbox

The fuck!!??

I dont know what to say to this


“Please don’t be white.”

OMG MICROSOFT!!! Xbox One is bad. Buy PS4.

‘Porn is the problem.’

No it isn’t. This is a clear lack of sexual education.
Plus, do they actually believe that they can stop teenagers accessing porn?

They couldn’t stop me from accessing porn when I was fucking Seven. With all these new gadgets today I highly doubt they can stop kids from accessing porn.

White people… they’ll blame anything on anything except for bad parenting.

Yeah? Well maybe if you people got your acts together, it wouldn’t be snowing so much.

why can’t it be that the child lacks the same fail safe most kids have to prevent them from commiting incest. Or incest much more common that people are led to believe.

why can’t we blame the parents for the obvious lack of parenting skills. That child should already know that forcing others to do stuff is bad.

Why cant’ we blame society for this wonton belief that teaching kids about sex is bad. shit is illogical, it will happen, at least have a hand in it, and control as many variable as possible.

Why can’t we blame the parents for teaching their kid how to take advantage of others. This is the most significant one imo, because learning how to manipulate and force others into doing what you want is a learned behavior from parents, not peers. Terrible pepole raising more terrible people.

Also, lol at incoming lawsuit against Xbone. Extra LOLs if this becomes the reason the xbone is killed. srk illuminati along with M$ investors will be pleased.

The saddest part of this story isn’t that a 8 year old got raped. NO.

If that is what you take away from the story at first glance, then you are the problem that perpetuates sensationalist journalism, and the belief that it’s every bodies fault but mine.

the saddest part about this story is that the headline explicitly places the blame on Pornography, and the Xbox. and that’s really fucking sick, and shows that these people are trying to generate hits and perpetuate the story with whatever means neccessary. IT’s not about the child that was abused, but it’s about how two evil institutions that clearly don’t care, led this child to commit these “heinous” crimes.

Looking at the links to other articles at the bottom of the page, I’m tempted to make a “Blackburn: Even the pope can’t save it” thread…

From the sounds of it, the boy probably has issues from the get-go that finally manifested itself into this known deviant act. It’s quite normal for teenagers to be curious about sex, but forcibly experimenting with a weaker sibling shows that there’s much more going on than just being “corrupted” by watching porn.


White people already got the white christmas, how much longer do you want all this white weather?!

White weather making history this month…

It always wierds me out that if a little bit of some chicks butt or cleavage shows while watching a show like Survivor its cencored like crazy, but I can flip the channel and watch someone get graphically murdered on CSI. Sex and the human anatomy is a natural thing, why this isn’t taught to more children and shunned from society like its a secret Ill never know.

got damn them XBone Achievements seem a little more tough than the 360 ones…

Could have been avoided.
I’ve been calling for a chastity belt revival for YEARS now.

for the record, the xbox wasn’t bought from me :coffee:

I don’t know what’s more sick the fact that a 13 year old raped his 8 year old sister or that a 13 year old used the poor memory of an 8 year old to try and get away with it.

Call her back saying you will give her “100 store credits” if she trades her XBox for a PS4 and another fitted hat.

Porn was the trigger in this case, but not the root cause of this happening. The fact that the article implies otherwise is pretty sad. The real issue here is WHY the boy decided to rape his sister, not the trigger itself. It’s awful this even happened in the first place, however.

I’m sorry, man. At 13 I know about porn and had seen it before but that never once made me want to go rape someone. Something is clearly wrong with that kid.