Black heart infinite help

IM new to black heart and i only knew about his s.Short, s RH Instant airdash pseudo infite

can someon explain to me any other he has?

on airborne opponents: sj.hkxxad/, repeat.
opponent in corner: HOD, hk when landing, empty jump,, empty jump,, repeat.

Okay, I’d be curious to see this one demonstrated on video.

What do you mean? It’s nothing new. I’ve known how to do that for well over a year now. Just download meikyousisui 10 :tup:

Um… 10? only has 9 volumes to the meikyousisui collection. had vol. 10 before anyone else, thats where i got mine.

Oops. That’s what I get for following the links to “meikyousisui collection” instead of “new combo videos”. My mistake.

haha it’s all good
I’m sure you see that it’s nothing more than manipulation of a character who’s been hit by demons. It’s too inconsistent to attempt in serious play.

If you can pull it off well enough its a great meter builder.