Black Friday Sales

Will there be any sales on TE sticks or any other brands this year? I just converted to a 360 from a PS3 and I’m in a dying need for a pair.

Do you know your way around a soldering iron? It’d ultimately be cheaper to dual mod if you already have 360 sticks.

On the subject of Black Friday, I’m really hoping Newegg or someone has a sale on the Asus VH236H or VH238H Monitors. I want to get a couple. If anyone comes across any deals please post them here.

if you have 360TE pick a MC Cthulhu and IMP V2 and WIN

We should come up with a list of known, fighting game related, black friday deals.

To my knowledge there aren’t any…

i got a email form newegg the asus 's were on sale for $150 or so

only deals I know of lately are the pdp fight pads dropped another $10 so now there $20

The Asus monitor that was on sale apparently isn’t even good for gaming though.

Edit: I may have been off. Perhaps it was the response time that they said was not suitable for gamers. I can’t seem to find any solid input lag tests for it.

have a code for **VS247H-P ** for $159 free shipping

Unless we can confirm that screen is good for fighting games is it doing anyone a favor to post it?

keep this link handy:

Did Madcatz have a sale last year for fight sticks?

I kinda figured the Hori Sticks would see Amazon deals this season. That’s how I got my HRAP3 SA. I think the price could still go lower before the end of the year though.

Or he could just get a Kitty TE or a TEasy Strike, not worry about any soldering, and have it up and running in around 30 mins.

Excuse my ignorance, but what difference does a monitor make in the long run? I have a 22" HP that’s almost 3 years old and I do fine in SF when it’s hooked up to it. I play just as fine on that as I do my 46" Samsung. I never heard of somebody blaming a monitor for their loss before lol, at least seriously.

On a side note, I also play the same on a 12 year old crap-ass CRT television as I do on my more modern counterparts. I don’t mean to troll or anything, I’m just curious as to why such a thing should matter.

I’m assuming it has something to do with the refresh rate or response time or whatever, but is that big of a deal? I just want a cheap ass monitor in the 24 - 27" ranges :stuck_out_tongue:

I was hoping for a BOGO free sale from the Gameshark store. It seems all the sticks are out of stock though so I kind of don’t expect any BOGO free sales this year :frowning:

Same here. Scourging around to see best buy and Fry’s to get any deals for those monitors. I’m willing to settle if a monitor of similar performance is on sale, I just don’t know which ones are comparable in lag :\

I believe that Staples will have a 1080p 23" monitor for $99 but I don’t think there’s any lag tests for it.

I used to be an in-store tech for Staples. They’ll have 3 maybe 4 in the actual store. They bait and switch like you wouldn’t believe. Same with the website orders. I’m sure it says “while supplies last” in fine print somewhere.

Yeah, I’m counting on Amazon and more than likely to have a deal on the VH236H or VH238H. I may still try to go to Staples to get one of those $40 office chairs, what do you think the chances of them actually having enough are?

game stop
AE for 19.99
buy two get one free on all used games. you can catch up on any older fighting games youve missed out on.