Bison's Autoshop Tournament: #4


1 JS Master :
2 BuddahForce
3 RPGv2 :
4 Shine
5 Aerials
5 KillaCam
7 Wilson
7 Dice01
9 SaCoJeRiChO
9 Big Greek
9 Kch1nn
9 UltraCalvin
13 Bill307
13 Basics
13 Marv
13 Patrick
17 El-Nilo
17 NickCam
17 Staygold
17 DarkDragon
17 Korbas01
17 Mr. Trite
17 Blitzman
17 Rebelo
25 mtran
25 DanVan3000
25 rb2b
25 AvariceX
25 Anthony
25 Sinoya
25 dems00
25 Raid
33 Fernando
33 RXS
33 DaDesiCanadian
33 Louis
33 Ian
33 Blueblazer
33 Andrew
33 Tik Tok
33 Bison
33 Jamin

Match videos are being uploaded to our YOUTUBE channel, not the ustream one. Do not be alarmed that ustream is only sound lol

i’m still a pot monster :frowning: GG’s to Bison and Danvan.

Where’s my money BlueBlazer! LOL GG’s. You need to get back the patience you had at your first tourney. You got impatient and walked into all of my pokes.

was fun… great first tourney

yay 13th place :smiley:
eat that rebelo LOL… congratz to js still. =]

Good times at this tourney to all I played/hung out with, thanks to Vince for driving this old man out there.

these results are a flat out debacle

Shoutouts to Buddah’s Abel :smiley: haha

Lol, my bad Vince. I know I had that ten bucks in my wallet at one point. Next tourney I’ll bring you ten bucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I need to re-learn patience. D:

will you be uploading footage of the mm’s from after the tourney?

There are none. We stopped recording after grand finals.

Kudos to Gary, Scott and Rob for taking care of business all day. GGs to those played.

dont forget emily as well as yourself and anant, no matter how incapable you two were at hitting RECORD

Sadface I never watched this stream :frowning: