Im a noob when it comes to fighting m. Bison(dictator) how do i stop the psyco crusher
then he goes into grab plus it has alot of chip
stomp him back
Jab him out of it, or jump backwards with the appropiate kick to knock him out of it. Also, throw him out of it after he lands.
what character do you play
it depends which psycho crusher and which character u play… but the hp is quite easy,if u are not in time to jump just block and let him pass through and then hit, for example in dict vs dict hit with the standing heavy kick. Or if you have good reflex jump back and hit with a kick/punch that has a good hit box in the lower part, for example taking again the example of dict vs dict the jumping back medium kick. The timing is crucial.
If you are quite close and u are fast u can counter him with a fast start up basic attack such as a or
Of course if the dict psycho crusher ends in the corner u can throw him with a sliding input of both buttons of the throw.
With other character u can also stop with a invincible attack such as the shoryuken or for example with ryu with a seiken (long distance standing medium punch or heavy punch).
The lp psycho crusher is slow and doesn’t pass through so or you hit the dict before he hits or just block and then stay ready for a counter attack.
The medium punch pc is not so used but in that case you can do as the low punch or throw him.
thanks guys this help so much