Me vs Fernandowizard FT10 Casuals on PSN / Bison Mirror match
Game 1 - [media=youtube]gZEOR7Rgzvs[/media] Warmingup
Game 2 - [media=youtube]x2OF3IjBmzg[/media]
Game 3 - [media=youtube]wDk6jXJ4SrM[/media]
Game 4 - [media=youtube]ZxO7__ZengE[/media]
Game 5 - [media=youtube]And6yKQZUhY[/media]
Game 6 - [media=youtube]urY7kV5E16Q[/media]
Game 7 - [media=youtube]YjGmPj5Ztd8[/media]
Game 8 - [media=youtube]Xt0lvYua1MI[/media]
Game 9 - [media=youtube]hwRAjGWSU7U[/media]
Game 10 - [media=youtube]IPGHZ0-jBa4[/media]
Game 11 - [media=youtube]NtxA5dGw72g[/media]
Game 12 - [media=youtube]xVOTw7TpxQM[/media] Nice pressure at end
Game 13 - [media=youtube]yQXy45pPIAo[/media]
Game 14 - [media=youtube]g_6yVTYYJDA[/media]
Game 15 - [media=youtube]MyZex6KoaFQ[/media]
Game 16 - [media=youtube]t7QygmwZDls[/media] Both totaly warmed up in this game
All uploaded In 720P HD.
Any feedback on what other tricks I could do, what things I should stop doing…etc is welcome. Also, What differences I could do to make the quality better, or if its fine how it is.
This was a very nice FT10 VS a really solid bison player on PSN. The games go back and forth all the time, till one of us adapts and pulls away. Enjoy
You abused DR, somehow this cammy player did not punish you for this… Never whiff a DR when cammy has Ultra. Predictable, U1 punishes it easily.
You do not seem to like xx scissors, although it’s often the best choice to punish spiral arrow.
On Cammy wakeup, correctly timed crossup can beat her reversal CS, though it will probably reset her in-air… and are good pokes, not using them means you don’t fight against cammy’s own pokes, and you ate a lot of
Does anyone know if there is any evo bison player footage, like from Hugo101 or Big Marcus? I missed them if they were on the stream…
Also I would just like to say, damn there is alot players here talking big talk(trolling) but haven’t posted anything up themselves… lets see what you got before you go and start trolling other vids (if you are one of these people). I know thats kinda trolling myself, but if people are negative with their critisims then other people who want to learn will be less inclined to ask questions or post their vids.
Here are a couple vids of my own…
[media=youtube]xKxAtwuEfOg[/media] You can’t tell because of bad quality, but U2 beats his EX Messiah kick clean on the last round.
[media=youtube]EvwtEXiZoVY[/media] this one is a gamebattles match, I slapped him pretty hard. especially the last round…
Well, someone posts his own match vids and asks for constructive criticism, and gets only “it’s fun”/“great match”/“bah turbo user” remarks. Why not commenting ?
yea like what flashy said…You also have to look who he has beat in tournments too. Hell i think he mad it futher than the likes of alex valle in evo this year. Hugo is a solid bison IMO.
Not for nothing but Hugo is really solid.Against high level comp you cant around to always “style”.But then again youtube considers me a shameless turtle bison so what do I know lol.
@RY tight vids all around I got casuals vs killakelly at rm 3620 and he is solid.
Ah i see : ) What I was trying to say is critisim is definitely a good thing, and if you really see something legit that you think should told to that player, then go ahead. But if you have something to say like, oh your oppenent sucked and didn’t punish you right and thats why you won(because there might of been some mind game going on that you aren’t aware of); Or get off that turbo, lmao or in my case"should these be in the vid critique thread?" that is the negative I’m talking about(IF I listed all of it, it would take a page up…lol)
On the other hand though telling someone they did good or good vid is always good because it makes them feel good and makes them want to keep trying and learning/asking new things and progressing overall.
EDIT:Critisim is always welcomed(but thats not really why I post them) on my vids though, so if you got something then please tell.
The Bison mirror is just another matchup. Winning a mirror doesn’t prove that you’re the better Bison, but it does prove who is better at that particular matchup (…on that day).