Bison Video Thread - Purple Fist of Death (ver. 2.1)

The Ryu player wasn’t bad. Ranks somewhat do have credibility, but it really depends on the sample size of players he/she beat.

Obviously if you’ve beaten 200 noobs to get to 5000 BP and I beat 100 decent players to get to 5000 BP I may come out the better player regardless of the points. But I just take the ranked points as a little novelty and fun incentive to play online “competitively”

There’s grinding in every type of ranking system. If the ranks in SSF4 reset like Starcraft and Warcraft III it would be cool from season to season.

I would like that idea, it might actually start to become more competitive. Hard to take ranked seriously when you know any flowchart/rage quitting scrub can get high rankings, the idea wouldn’t eliminate that but it would lessen it a little.

Yeah but a system that doesn’t reset isn’t horrible. The PP system is there to match you with other similar or better PP accounts.

This may be abused on PSN because people can freely keep making new accounts to drag others down but it’s a little less likely on XBL because we pay for the multiplayer service.

The PP and BP is a nice concept on paper. BP is a little different this time around. I’m not really intimidated by high BP chars, but I think the high PP ones are gonna give a good run for money.

Before my Xbox red ringed last week I think I’m sitting around 3.3k BP and 2k PP. Hopefully when I get it back I can farm up the higher PP players and see if they have improved. :o

I have been lazy as far as ranked, sitting on around 1.5k both PP and BP mostly because I get dragged into endless or team battles by peeps on the friends list, and well most of them I know will give me a challenge so I usually accept. Ranked is just for when I have nothing going on really lol.

I agree the PP system might be better for matching up players online, but the fact is that if you are serious(or plan to get serious) and travel to tourneys and all that good stuff 99% of the best ranked players are garabe. You should not judge your skill level until you’ve played a tournament player who has solid wins under their belt, and if online is all you have to practice with due to a bad local scene, then it is better to find those players and get what practice in you can with those players as they normally don’t play online much(because they usually have a local scene).
But on the same note I realize now that you guys were talking about online competitiveness…
This is my oppinion.

Interestingly enough I got the chance to face a tourney player who did fairly well at Evo recently or so I was told, granted online endless battle but even so I manged to win a round and I consider that a victory considering I have never seen the inside of a tournament because well Michigan sucks lol.

They’re both good. I just opt for more ranked matches when I don’t want to wait or can’t find a steady 1 on 1 session.

Hey guys I entered an iplaywinner/allisfighter online tournament and won. I am on the front page well my gt is xbl fightclubnearu on It wasn’t my “best” play (I was too stubborn with jump ins against a dudley) but was able to clutch it out against him in winners and another bison in finals who chose to counter pick me with cody and guile. Happily I brought one for the hometeam. thx to all the helpful contributors of this forum and I was told all the stream videos where archived.So you can watch.

Oh Fightclubnearu is you? Rep that shit! Good job!

Nice Bison. Way to rock out that win vs. the counter picker.

lol just watched the matches. Totally dumb for him to pick Guile and he doesn’t even know how to use him.

I’m def not saying that you won’t play good people(or even pros on occation) in ranked, I’m mostly saying that the people you play with the most numbers have them because they play all fuckin day, not because they are truely good.

Man I like this bison alot, shows how great bison’s normals are and how much they can be abused at the right distances. Also I think you ready your opponents really well, and kept good pressure.

Guile was randomly throwing out flash kicks. He must have felt the Bison pressure emanating from his purple fist purple fist.

Yeah it depends on the players haha. If they play a lot, they’ll learn or not. I’m just not dismissing good players when I see it. You’ll know in-game if they’re good or not when you start to doubt yourself.

Coming across good players are really a good treat when you are in ranked matches. I always set my custom matches to best of 3, 99 seconds, and players with more skill. I always seem a better chance of finding really good matches like that.

DOUBT is not an option my friend… always look for something new. There is a way to beat everything you just have to find it.

Coming across good players are really a good treat when you are in ranked matches. I always set my custom matches to best of 3, 99 seconds, and players with more skill. I always seem a better chance of finding really good matches like that.

Good stuff man…i wanted to enter this tournament, but had to work.:bluu:

Haha I forgot about that tournament. I wouldn’t even be able to join since my xbox died. :frowning: Still awaiting repairs!

No offense man but what a dumb vid, If the guy was totaly shit and missed loads of links / spammed dp, fair enough, but he wasn’t that bad…

Rank doesnt mean your the best, but it shows how long someone has played and won online, ie, played the game alot