I do j. hk, st. lk cr. mk and then scissors and it does 50%+ and dizzies everytime.
Good advice for getting out of tick attempts. I just try to stay away from corners and getting locked down.
Here’s the data for walking speed from T.Akiba’s site (http://nki.combovideos.com/data.html#walking):
Fastest: Claw
2nd: Chun, Fei, and Dic
I can only “guess” that the walking speeds might be related to movement in any direction; therefore, I would assume that the walking speeds can be directly correlated to jumping speed (this is only an assumption). Which is not all that outlandish an idea since the programmers must have put in a speed/vector value for direction in all four coordinates [x,y,-x,-y] respective of the direction the player is facing of course]. Does this mean some players crouch faster than others, I think so, the game engine must have values/algorithms for every movement/action. So in conclusion, Dic does jump much faster than the other characters (according to the data from T.Akiba’s website and the assumptions I made). I tested it on GGPOnfba by inputting the same controls for both 1st and 2nd player, selected diff. characters and Dic; then I just held up and waited for round to start. Sure enough dic jumped faster than most characters, Chun jumped slightly faster than Dic, and a little higher. I found out something else interesting, the speed of the jump also indicates the height of the jump (in SOME cases ex. of where it doesn’t is Sim jumps very high but the slowest jumper). Claw jumps the highest and the fastest (for sure). I’ll add more later, if anyone sees anything wrong let me know.
I would be really interested if you could test frame by frame if everyone crouches different speeds, because my understanding of the game is that everyone crouches and stands up (from a crouching position, not waking up) exactly the same. Otherwise there’d be cases where only certain characters would have time to block low, but everyone seems to block the same speed to me.
Does anyone have any thoughts on Dic’s best matchups and why? This thread IMO is a lot less informative than the Boxer thread. There’s six pages and I still haven’t seen a clear, concise explanation of how Devil’s Reverse works, and a couple descriptions of TODs, not a whole lot of tactics at all…
The devils reverse is a good move when appropriate. Its uses are building meter, getting over fireballs, fake outs, getting to the other side of the screen, and attacking from above where the only answer for it is to block. You should be able to figure out how it works by experimenting with it.
The touch of death combo is generally cross up rh > 2 st. shorts > cr. forward x fierce psycho crusher.
However other combos have a high tendency to dizzy opponents as well. For example: Jump in strong, st. short, cr. forward x rh scissor kicks.
Bison doesnt really have one match up where he excels from my experience.
What a lot of bison players get stuck on is going for his high damage combos when really theres a lot to him, and you can win without dizzying them
Boxer’s mp throw range is longer than normal too.
Yuuki, what I meant was the directions/buttons for controlling the Devil’s reverse, I have only really figured out that up/towards+jab is best to avoid fireballs and build meter, and up/towards+fierce is best for flying away. What are neutral up and up/back for?
I’ve seen some players change directions with DR in mid air and go a completely different way, does anyone know the exact input for how that’s done?
Also, what is the best combo you can do after the devil’s reverse, punch lands? Standing mk?
Hey I’m having trouble with offensive sims. Whenever I play sims that just like to keep me out it feels like a field day for me :looney:. But whenever I play sims that just play balls out and drill the fuck outta me/aggresive zoning I really just don’t understand the situation and what to do. Also there are no sims that play like that on ggpo which is the only way I can get competition :sad:.
Dict getting crossed up?
Is there a list of what attacks you need to block the cross up like it’s a cross up versus as a regular attack?
It seems that Ryu’s crossup RH needs to be blocked as if it was not a cross up.
As far as a comprehensive list for every character as to the direction to block x’s (cross ups), I don’t know of one that exists. Example. Ryu’s RH x should be blocked in the opposite direction you were initially facing; however, sometimes people will play mind games and not actually x and you’ll end up blocking the wrong direction. One very tough x to block IMO would be gief’s Siberian Splash (j.d+Fierce). Might buy the Yoga Book Hyper, it’s helped me out quit a bit with questions like these as all the hit box diagrams are in there.
So is anyone else hyped to play remixed dictator? Fake slide that goes as far as the real one except it doesn’t hit of course will make walk up throw even easier, invincible st jab will probably be a much better anti air then j.mp and devils reverse is invincible on startup so he’ll be able to escape corner pressure much easier.
Dic sounds toptier to me =) Any thoughts on how these buffs will affect his matchups and overall game play?
He sounds top tier for sure, but also really dumb. In my opinion his antiair options and lack of a non-super reversal make him a really weird but very interesting character, one of the most unique in the game, and I like playing under that all-or-nothing mindset. He’s really getting homogenized here, and I think that’s stupid. Also it just seems bad to me from a balance point of view to address all of his weaknesses in such excellent ways and then even give him some totally out-of-the-blue fake move without nerfing any part of his game at all, especially when the situation where he’s weakest (caught in the corner by a grappler) is already being taken out because Hawk, Gief, and Honda (reportedly) all now have more/some bounceback after their command grabs.
Here is a link for a Tournament match vid between Thomas Osaki(Bison with the blue and gold color and Alex Valle(HF color ST ryu). This from evo 2k2. This match is towards the end of the vid
ok so i have a problem with the crossup TOD combo
crossup j.rh > s.lk > c.mk > scissor/crusher doesnt work for me. the scisssor/crusher never seems to come out. is there a trick to charging for this? if im facing right before crossing up, and i jump to the right over the opponent and keep holding right while doing the combo, is that sufficient charge time?
crossup j.rh > s.lk x2 > c.mk > scissor/crusher works for me, but i cant do s.lk x2 > cmk consistently, so i want to be able to do the previous version of the TOD combo.
any help is appreciated
I think if you’re going to do one s.lk, you have to use the crusher, not the scissor. I think the crusher takes slightly less charge time.
the first “tod” shouldn’t be a crossup, it’s just jumpin j.rh, s.lk, c.mk xx rh scissors.
the crossup combo into scissors is crossup j.rh, s.lk x2, c.mk xx rh scissors.
Actually the crossup version is preferable, both because it does more damage and because it’s a lot easier to actually hit the opponent because of how ambiguous and variable his crossups are. And for some characters, the better crossup jumpin is jumping forward, but I’m not enough of a dedicated Bison player to remember exactly which ones are better crossed up with roundhouse and which with forward. Also, don’t always do the scissors to end the combo, pay attention to where you are on screen to decide whether to do scissors or crusher. If you’re in the corner when your combo starts, finish with crusher to get out of there, both as an escape hatch in case you mess up and because otherwise you can’t set up for another crossup combo.
Be sure to mix up the jump-in between fake crossup and crossup, you don’t want to give the opponent an easy block. As Bison, you don’t need to change the location of the start of your jump to do this mix up, you just have to change the timing of the actual jump-in attack; always jump from the same spot, but if you do the attack a bit earlier it hits from the front, and if you do it a bit later it hits from the back.
bison needs his alpha teleport so he wont be ticked to death in the corner. or in sims case, yoga flamed to death.
well, i said shouldn’t because he was wondering why it wouldn’t work with one s.lk. you don’t have time to charge the scissors with only 1.
I was talking to GIGA-MSX about this one day.
I asked why he NEVER goes for the the c/u mk> cr.lk *2> cr. MK > Scissor Kick.
He said “whats the point.”
The c/u mk> cr.lk *2> cr. MK > crusher is way easier to do, comes out 100% and dizzies 99% of the time. He could not really think of many matches where he hit that combo and lost.
He then asked me the question, why wouldn’t you go for easiest combo with an ultra high dizzy %. Other than to simply show off, I couldn’t give him a real response
It is true, the scissor combo does do a bit more damage, and dizzies 100%. However, there is a much larger margin of error to mess up the combo and totally lose your opportunity to punish. You have to charge the scissor 30% longer than the crusher, so the is a much higher chance to botch the whole thing.
As stated on Nohoho’s page. Yuu Vega’s most feared combo is:
“bonk, bip, bip, whap, frrrrroosh -> woo woo woo woo
shhh, bip, bip, whap, thwak, thwak -> peace out”
I am sure we all know this combo, and I am sure we all know why it is so fucking scary!
Just my 2 cents. I am not a bison expert. So, it is worh it weight. :razz:
cheers Footsy Bebop, Ultradavid, epsilon and Fatboy
that answered my question perfectly!