Scissor kick or PC? Dunno if c.strong beats it, but I spam that a bit in any match.
vs dj is a difficult match up what u need to know is:
that u can win him from medium distance with the standing mk but you have to anticipate his slide /attack and don’t overshoot the target of his body because in those cases he wins.
The head press on the fireball can be ok but you have to read the fireball and don’t just react when u see it. Pay attention to the timing of the skull diver because is very easy for dj to counterattack.
on his wake up the crouching mk or standing lk are quite good and then mix up of throw or one more crouching mk. If you are not close a cross up jumping attack it’s difficult but quite good.
as you said he can win quite every jumping attack, but when he attacks on your wake up jumping again and again you can do the that as against x chunli is a good defensive air attack.
you can win the slide with jf/jb. mk (the knee missile), in the corner just jump back and the missile is vertical as a jumping straight. So for example when u said about jumping on his fireball use the hitting with the tip of the knee and then mix up of or step and throw. About his anti-air special just choose the right timing on the fireball, because it isnt so dangerous as the shoryuken is.
Btw the match up as many dict match up is very difficult, i think that as claw and o.sagat are low skill characters, the dict is one of the most difficult. It requires not only skill but also a lot of experience, so don’t lose heart and keep playing.
Psycho Crusher has a LOT of start up frames.
You have to predict when he’ll slide, because you CAN be tripped out of a PC.
I just realized that when i jump his fireball, i’m using j. Hk all the time.
Also, I’m trying mang.
I also realized that I’m a Dic Main, and not a Rog main.
i like the challenge of it all.
Been trying out o.bison the last few weeks just for fun against my mates. Anyway, it seems like he has the same random-blocking thing with his psycho crusher as CE bison has, only lesser good. If you time it right on their wake up it seems like they have to guess for which side to hold the block i.e. it may cross up - at least against certain characters like Blanka. Can anybody confirm this? Perhaps even new dic has the same shit, but I’ve never seen it tried so I guess not…
If you mean the psycho cross up with the psycho crusher on the wake up it doesnt work with super turbo vega and with super vega nether. It was a tactic with champion edition and turbo vega. This because the hit box of the psycho crusher changed and now there is no attack hit box of the dict. leg. Another tactic was the psycho throw because the old psycho crusher had also the invincibility when he was landing…incredibile.
You can try something that is a weak mix of the champion edition tactic: vs blanka and honda when they fall down get close with a slide and then do the pyscho low punch and you do something like a hit on the back and then is quite easy to throw them, try to hit with the shins.
Another similar phenomenon is agaist zangief: when he blocks a pc heavy punch it depends how u hit but the third hit is in cross up as in champion edition tactic.
I like the randomness of that throw.
dictator vs turtle claw?
a claw with good defense is really hard to get anything started on…and then once he knocks u down he can just start walldive bs…
the match up is 7:3 for the claw but this does not mean that we don’t have some trump card for us:
basically we have the that stops his slide and the dkp lk to get close or press. So vs a turtle claw wait and slowly get close with the double knee lk: dkp lk and to stop his slide. If he arrives with a barcellona do a jumping back hk or if u r not on time just a psycho crusher hp to run away. If he blocks a dkp lk then mix up of: or step and throw or just wait.
Wrote an entire meter building article for the Wiki. Any comments, feedback, changes?
Thank you for taking the time to do this. I’m 40 years old and I’m still learning/scrubbing to play. Good fucking work!
Having a hard time vs Chun-li spamming neckbreaker kick over and over. If I block I end up getting slammed. Hard to reverse without a super. Please help O’ Wise ones. Also Vega wall dive spam…any takers?
As vs honda, chunli is one of the most difficult match up for dict. Against neckbreaker kick just block and counterthrow or jump back lk/mp.
Vs claw it’s difficult too but the barcellona counterattack is the jump back heavy kick.
- What can be linked after cr. mk without charge?
- Is there a way to increase the chances of a linking after 3x I can get x2 > consistently, but not after three. Just monster timing?
Nothing will combos off of without charge unless the is done as a meaty attack.
Practice practice practice. There is no trick like holding the stick in one direction or neutral. You simply have to practice it over and over.
Ok, I was worried I was supposed to be pianoing the input or something. I’m assuming it’s a 1-frame link after the third lk then.
I doubt that it’s a single frame link as I can land it five times in a row in HDR’s practice mode. It’s certainly not easy though. I’d recommend a handful of other combos in place of that one.
I noticed from watching Giga do it, that he seemed to hit the cross-up roundhouse into standing short, then scoot toward the opponent, then do the final standing short x2 into standing Roundhouse.
I used to have trouble getting all the hits to land, because I would often get the distant far standing Short (most easily recognized by Dictator’s grounded foot being perpendicular to the ground) as my 3rd Short and you cannot chain the standing Roundhouse off it.
But once I started copying the above Giga rhythm, it allowed me to keep within a close enough distance to get all the hits in.
I still miss the last Roundhouse when my timing is off because I have to slide my fingers over to hit it, but I get it with good regularity now.
I strongly suggest trying this method.
You can see in the Taira link that VirtuaFighterFour linked ([media=youtube]kWsZYS-R_-U&#t=1m25s[/media]) that Taira is scooting toward the opponent between the standing Shorts. You can actually see his grounded leg edge left across the screen with each subsequent Short.
Funny you should mention him. GigaMSX is actually the person who showed me how to do this combo. I’ll try to dig out the chat logs about the combo sequence and see if he said anything else about it.
Yeah IIRC close LK causes a bit more hitstun than far LK even though they look the same, so it’s easier to link HK if you move a tiny bit forward before doing the third LK. Or something like that.
I like to do it as LK, LK, walk a tiny bit LK, MK~HK. It’s easier for me that way, plus if I mistime HK there’s a chance I’ll get MK at least which still does good damage.
PS good stuff at the wiki VF4.