Birdie Beginners Thread: Grabbing the Bull by the Horns

Again, look at the recommended combos. I think you’re struggling with understanding the frame data.

cLK is +4 on hit and sLP has 5 frames of startup.

Sorry again. I meant st. lk, st. lp, xx lp headbutt. I’m not struggling to understand the frame data. I know the combo works. I’ve done it several times. I just forgot what the moves are because I’ve been busy with school and other stuff. I don’t have any problems doing the combo. I have problems hit-confirming it during footsies.

What’s not coming out then? I assume you are getting the lights to link but you’re not getting it to cancel properly?

It’s not that it’s not coming out. It’s that I’m having trouble visually confirming if it’s hitting before I cancel. Thus, if I just do it, I end the string with a super unsafe normal and get punished. If I can confirm that it’s hitting vs blocking, I’ll know how to end the string to either keep it safe or get damage when they get hit. Does that make sense?

Basically, put the CPU on random block in training mode and do whatever string you would normally do. If it hits, cancel into the special. If it doesn’t hit, end with the second normal so you’re still safe on block. I can’t do this 10/10 times.

Here’s what I do to confirm that string, because the bullhead seems like it has to be cancelled quite quickly after the s.LP, I always blow it if I look for the opponent to flinch, so I just look down at the opponents legs for the yellow flash off the when it hits, if I see it I go for the combo, if not I just input the s.LP after the s.LK and end the combo there.

the trick with c.LK LK.LPHEad or standing LK;Lk;lpHead or Standing LK.LP;Lphad is simple

  1. for Lp into LP head use negativ edge
  2. for LK into LP head hold the LK pressed so there will never be a chain unwanted and press teh motion for LP head fast

that’s all to it. if i can do it you can do it too im pretty bad at combos

Just going to quote myself and say that this doesn’t work! Maybe it’s counterhit only or I was high as shit and just imagined the whole thing.

yeah it does, cancel window is long though, if you cancel into lphead at the end of the window it wont combo

I’ll try that out, thanks! I don’t really remember having an issue confirming in SFIV. Dunno what’s going on in this game.

It depends what you were confirming in SF4 to be honest, if it was a couple of jabs into a medium into a special then you have quite a long time to make the confirm compared to birdy who atm has either 2 lights into a light special, or a single medium punch or cr.hp into stuff.

I find going into training and putting the dummy in random guard and just practicing the s.LK, s.LP xx qcf.LP in between matches to be pretty good practice. Aim to get to the point so that you are consistently only doing either s.LK, s.LP every time the s.LK is blocked, or every time it hits you go into the full chain - AND NO GUESSING ALLOWED! Even though it’s really hard not to just try and guess if the CPU will block or not when you are starting out.

From there you can move onto trying to get to a place where you confirm into qcf.LP every time if s.LK is blocked but the s.LP hits. I find this really hard at the minute though!

I’m doing this too. In between every match I practice that hit confirm among other things. I seem to be improving on it but by no means am I perfect at it yet. It’s tough.

What buttons do you guys hold for Bull Horn?

Whichever button I don’t feel like I’m going to need in the next 5 seconds. Or if I just just got a knockdown I hold whatever button I just used and sometimes I just let the Bullhorn rip as they get up if I think they are going to jump.

Ok so I’m having a really hard time transitioning to this game from SF4. Can’t even get to Gold rank, been stuck at ultra silver for a few days now. How do you guys handle pressure? It feels like Birdie just crumbles to pieces when pressured, and lots of characters have safe ways to get in (R.Mika has some move that seems safe and instantly puts you in a 50/50 as far as I can tell, and Laura just demolishes me every time she gets a hit in). I also feel that he has no real way to get damage other than stray pokes, other characters seem to be able to hit-confirm off of lows and the only thing birdie can hitconfirm is from point blank with or Would appreciate help since I’m on the verge of uninstalling the game here due to the frustration.

Lol don’t be so melodramatic. You just need to block and be patient, pray, or cross your fingers, whichever you prefer. Once it’s safe to do so, poke your way out of their block string with cr.LP or st.LK/LP to create distance and get back to your boot to the face game plan.

A lot of damage will come from your large pokes. Punish with st.MP xx MP headbutt or cr.HP xx HK chain for good damage and spacing. Throw down a can and walk forward waiting for a jump in or your opponent to do something stupid that you can punish.

Hit confirming is different in this game than to SF4, and Birdie only really has unsafe specials.

As far as pressure goes, use your V-reversal’s more. They are ticket out of pressure.

Birdie can hit confirm off his though, up close you can get, xx qcf.lp. It’s just that he doesn’t have a lot. Imho he doesnt need many hit confirms as he is a character that has strong toold for controlling the neutral game, especially at the 1/3 to 1/2 screen distance.

For damage output i look for xx on things that are obviously unsafe when blocked (like Laura’s overhead kick) or I look for s.lp xx qcf.lp /, s.lp xx qcf.lp as a whiff punisher or for punishing blocked moves up close that I’m not sure are safe or not (you can stop the string easily once you see the lk get blocked). Don’t forget tacking on the CA after the bullhead is a super easy confirm for really piling the damage on.

s.HP has crazy range. You can use it early in the match to make people respect you and not stand around whiffing jabs trying to fish for you doing raw bullhead or the chain hops. can also help here as well if they get a bit closer and in some situations as it is 0 on block (iirc). Once you have convinced them to stop hitting buttons and to stop moving around at your s.hp range then you can start with the chain hops or dash in command grabs if you notice they have stopped moving.

As others have said, when characters are in your face with close pressure like laura, karin, cammy, etc. v-reversal is your best friend. It pushes the opponent out to approximately lk chain hop range.

Stick with it though. Once you adjust to the way Birdie does business you end up having a lot of shenanigans at your disposal with which you can try and bamboozle your opponent.

I’m finding a hard time incorporating Crush Counter combos. I always resort to m.MP x Bullhead or cr.HP x hkChain for punishes

Cc Stand hk walk hk jab jab head butt is huge damage and easy to do.

The usual CC RH, low fierce, RH chain does 3 more damage and is way easier to do. The double standing RH combo does do 52 more stun, though.