Biggest scrubs you've come across?

Oh, that message was sent to everybody, man. I just had to let everybody know that they shouldn’t buy such a crummy game that they have played two years ago and last year.

Sorry, that’s just my personality - hot-headed, cynical, and arrogant. But, I disagree that having DJ players spam is worse for the sole reason that DJ players are more apt to fuck up on their projectile, as they have to charge. I’m more likely to beat DJ Max Out/Slide than shoto FB/sweep spammers.

I hear Langis Langley is a huge fucking scrub with a hardon for Dr. B.

Speaking of turbos

His arm brace accidentally activated the turbo on his hp on a madcatz TE while he was mashing out of a dizzy.


-trolls suck-

That was one of the possibility, it could have been activated before that…Like i said before, this was a freak accident, I already proven myself by winning a GGPO tournament & doing well on my last offline tourney. Haters will continue to hold on to anything they can…

Its not about holding on to it, it was about you holding hp down lol

-trolls suck-

You didn’t prove yourself by winning a online tournament with like 5 bad players, That’s like saying I beat a scrub and now I’ve proved myself as the best sorry buddy it doesn’t work that way. I played you recently and mopped the floor with you even though you tried to deny the fact it was you.

Dude i bet his Wife Said to mailman, that his dick was not worth it, so that why he and she both need turbo.but as for mailman he got one of those 500$ onebay, but as for his wife, she had something better then turbo, she paid over 70 bucks for vibrator and 1 White Dildo and A big black dildo, she said Mailman too busy play Beat fighter , lol i ment Street fighter after all, while he rage quits, he masturbate to gay porn while his wife get gang bang lol

yeah i cant beat Bliztfull het hack the game frames, he a pro at that, so i learn how to lag with the lag, it all within frames, and Ping, but Bliztfull lag not matther, some you have to play with a advance style, reversal some time never appear. or later on, but gg,

5 bad players? Really?

You must be a really good player if you think those guys are scrubs…

Anyway last time i played ST was over month ago at Northwest Majors, so if you think you played me recently its not me…

wow omg , hahahah ! It’s aimedjake ! :smiley: wats up dude? You remember me right? I’m the guy who is lagswitching and messing up the frames of the game. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about me since you have a youtube video named “Expsed get UpssET”.

:lol: …Ok???

  1. Koop does suck, So does Fromo, The only hard match you won was versus decoy in a bad match and he was sped through it because he had to leave.
  2. I did play you, Don’t pretend it wasn’t you. Not only that I’ve beaten you multiple times.
  3. If you wanna prove yourself play some good players without losing 10-0 99% of the time.
  4. Don’t pretend your WRIST turned on turbo’s when you rage at a good player because you can’t spd for shit.

This must be Cigargirl…There’s really nothing else for me to prove…Especially to you, who is pretty much a cancer to the ST scene…Goodbye

Yeah. Don’t play much but still support the scene and still make top 10 at actual tournaments even with a forfeit cause I had to leave. Yet if you’re speaking on GGPO yeah cause I rarely get on nowadays and when I do I catch up with players that actually know me. Yet youre like many that type up good stuff yet will never state who you are on GGPO or at a tournament. So continue on for attention…

I’m not hiding myself at all and you do know me koop, I love your blog articles I have no problems or beef with you if you want my name just private message me.

No, you can pm me ya info if you feel. Just when people state a line like above its never without something to back it up. An that lil tourney was my literally first night back… online at that and I still hung with guys who’ve had all summer an fall to practice. Its all good…Ijust watch how my name is thrown around. Koop sucks cause he rarely plays anymore… i wouldve applauded that.

Also I have no beef and honestly think everyone needs to play an stop worrying about things. If rcaido uses whatever it should show in his matches but since that situation he has still been winning an holding it down and I know people are watching him hardcore. So just play in my eyes and end the trash talk…

I’m GFBTV, You know me KOOP I know you’re a good player, I can’t go a week without practice or my execution is horrid I’m glad you came to support the scene but I won’t ever respect a piece of crap shit talker like him, Two-Faced piece of crap.

We have played more then once each time 10-3, 10-5, 10-7. He hasn’t beaten me once I’ll shit talk him all I want he’s a scrub for using turbo’s because he got frustrated now he won’t admit it but even that wrist brace turbo function couldn’t save him from the ass beating we all gave him on ggpo hold that.

I just make fun of it because, you don’t accidentally activate turbo on a TE.

-trolls suck-

Who are you to call rcaido 2-faced? You just said “koop sucks” and now when koop responded you say “i know you are a good player” …lol…