will someone explain to me how turbo controller benfits in this game?
also listing some “scrubs” names here is byond useless
It would have to be Atlas. He played SF a lot but trades in his games often, shooters, RPGs, MMO’s, fighters you name it. He can probably go ten years without touching SF4 and still be better. For some reason he doesn’t go to tournaments, you know… where all the hype is at. When I asked him, he said he just doesn’t give a fuck about some shitty ass tournament and whatever he does hes good at period.
Turbo benefits:Always hitting reversals, mash hands easily, always getting reversal throw, etc.
don’t forget the 1 frame links too.
You can ask mailmanimp on how turbo benefits him, as “he’s the best Chun at holding down fierce kick” (RenoMD).
turbo to mash on crouch roundhouse? why would that… what is this i don’t even…
blitzfu is a scrub who always lag switchs to make it DBZ style
WTH? Some shitty Gief player is trolling me.
First of all, I don’t use turbo or a lag switch.
Second, you know this is the HDR forum right? I’ve played you on GGPO, but never on XBL or PSN. So where is this BS coming from?
If this is from GGPO, it’s obvious why it’s laggy, you’re in Mexico, I’m in Canada…it’s obviously gonna be laggy cuz of the distance (and your shitty ISP). So stop challenging me in GGPO, cuz I don’t challenge you.
And if this is from XBL, I’ve never played you in HDR, so your alias must be different. The only Zangief player I’ve been playing lately is that Impact009 guy. Is that you?
If it is you, I can understand why you’d be mad at me for curb-stomping all over you. LOL Next time just raqe quit, it’ll save you the embarrassment of a beatdown, and it’ll save me the hassle of being trolled.
Relax, man. I’m pretty sure he’s just joking around.
I officially denounce any Ryu player who uses the tactic of hadoken spamming and sweeping a scrub.
if a ryu is constantly whiffing crouch roundhouse then that should mean free damage for you on the counter sweep/super/whatever. i don’t mean to be a dick but it sounds like you’re more interested in calling people scrubs than actually learning how to play. there may be some fundamental elements to the game that aren’t quite clicking for you yet.
either that or you’re using the word “denounce” wrong.
or we’re all getting trolled. i can never tell anymore.
@moocus I actually don’t lose that much to projectile/sweep spammers, except if they’re tremendously laggy. By the way, you shouldn’t opine on my play style if you haven’t even played me before. I’m a good Cammy player, just ask Keefe, Noriega, or any WIT member.
in b4 this thread gets locked. And the biggest scrub ive come across? I only have to look in the mirror for that one.
i’ll be honest, i had to google the definition of “opine”. you win this round.
zealous - I think you have potential, but you’re not exactly off to a great start as far as public relations goes.
After receiving that unsolicited “Hey, you! If you play this FPS I hate that isn’t even on the list of games you own on your XBL profile - GET FUCKED” message from you, I gotta agree with moocus re: the negativity.
Lastly, if you thought shoto fb/sweep was bad, wait until a DJ beats you with nothing but max outs and cr.rh! That’s always a good time.
Cammy is especially susceptible to the basic fireball-sweep pattern. Her diagonal jump isn’t the best and she’s already lacking tools as it is. Only way to play a great Cammy is to master neutral-jumping, IMO.
Or you can just block 13 fireballs and jump over the 14th for a massive combo for the win. I mean, after throwing out 13 fucking fireballs, no one would suspect that they would jump over the 14th. That’s just insane. 13 is the lucky number my friend.
This is very true. Cammy’s neutral jump medium kick (or low kick?) is a pretty safe air move…, not against characters that dive forward like Honda with his f’ing torpedo heatbutt though…
More on topic, I’m tempted to post my entire ragequitter list in this thread. Probably too much to type.