I tried using combo threads and stuff but they’re still full of vanilla information for a while until you hit the last 10 pages or so. I have somewhat of a general idea on how to land dirt nap but I think I need a better understanding. When can I land dirt nap like in air, during hit stun, during block etc I want to know all situations if possible. I know that you can land it during block stun, while you’re right next to them in the air, or canceled during a string such as L M H S.
I tired to land Dirt Nap during an air reset whenever they flip out of a combo (similar to most air throw resets) but it doesn’t work whenever they tech forward, or is that how most air resets get foiled anyway?
Team: Iron Man B-Assist (Repulsor Blast), X-23 B-Assist (Neck Slice), Nova B-Assist (Centurion Rush)
Anyway here’s my setup for the level 3…
Corner: Tiger Knee :l:Talon Attack, :l:Crescent Scythe xx :l:Talon Attack (loop for a total of three CS’s), , :h:, :s:, air :h: xx :h:Crescent Scythe xx :l:Talon Attack, land, Assist 2 (Nova to cause ground bounce), Ankle Slice OTG, :s:, air :h: xx :h:Crescent Scythe xx :l:Talon Attack, Assist 1 (Iron Man), Ankle Slice OTG xx Dirt Nap
Mid-Screen: , :h: xx :h: Mirage Feint, air:m:, air:h:, air:d::h: xx :l:Talon Attack and repeat one more time then do the whole assist thing I explained above.
Another possible mid-screen I’d use: Fully Charged Neck Slice, Tiger Knee :l:Talon Attack, :l:Crescent Scythe xx :l:Talon Attack, land, , :h: xx :h:Mirage Feint, air:m:, air:h:, air:d::h: xx :l:Talon Attack, land,
, :h:, :s: and do all the of the assists stuff again as this can literally carry them from one side of the corner to the other.
Okay, so after the opening parts of the combos and the assist extensions are done, during Iron Man’s assist I let the repulsor blast land all their hits and once that the opponent flips out I jump up and hit :s: to land the Dirt Nap. However, if they flip forward (towards the center) then I have no way of landing it. Also, is it possible to combo into from this situation or will I have to worry about attempting an air reset?