Better call Saul! premiere Feb 8


Yeah, she was dead tired before she even got in the car and the last few eps have shown she is barely sleeping. Still, she should never have taken the extra client even if she doubted Jimmy


Wow. I’m pretty disgusted by Jimmy right now. The fucked up part is that he has a point: those ladies don’t have many years left, and HHM would have probably had that case going until they died or were too indisposed to actually use the money. But alienating that poor old lady from her friends was true slimeball shit.

The thing is, we have more to go here. When Jesse and Walt first intimidate Saul about protecting Badger, Saul’s FIRST suggestion is to have Badger killed. We have a while before we get to that point where that’s perfectly in line with the Jimmy we’ve come to know, but I cringe to think what the “okay, he’s a true slimeball” moment will be.

It might be the next episode, which is entitled “Lantern”. Chuck had lanterns on newspaper when he wasn’t battling his illness, so I’m thinking some kind of fire happens. Chuck can’t hack electricity as much as he thought, so he goes back a little bit, and that ends up costing him.

Yeah he was a scumbag for that…, but that is the character we’ve been waiting for.

that kim car crash made me shit myself, also fuck Irene she only got another winter left at best.

That’s the thing though. Even though she’s “normal” for an oldie, she clearly doesn’t have long left. So, alienating her from her friends and activities (which seem to be all she has) is super scummy.

The point of it was, old lady losing her pals aside awwww, Jimmy goes to extraordinaire lengths in order to do his job and just win in general. As soon as he opened the letter it was like he was raised up on the spirits of the A Team and MacGuyver.

I found it amazing at how cleanly he systematically destroyed that bitch, using nothing but friendliness and going full Sun Tzu. Also he become a millionaire. :tup:

I mean, the Saul had a point, true professionals would go after Badger not a random lawyer. It didn’t really make sense for them to go after Saul like they did, from his perspective. That was pure saul, but that doesn’t even touch the level of slime he had to sink to in order to settle Sandpiper.

this show is fucking boring and losing me tbh its really taking him 3 seasons to turn heel?

Dunno if you’ve been paying attention to anything outside the show, like interviews and such, but Gilligan and Gould have said the show is more about the journey than the destination. I think you’re crazy to think Jimmy becoming Saul is just something that happens like a switch. I doubt they’re going to milk the series and will finish Jimmy’s story when its finished, just like how they ended Breaking Bad in a timely manner. If the show ends around 5 seasons, we’ll likely only get to see full on Saul toward the end after Kim and Chuck are likely out of his life.

Anyways, I felt bad for old lady Irene. She seemed like a really sweet old lady… and Jimmy ruined her social life for some cash. Pretty shitty of him, actually.

The journey is boring too! Its a whole lot of who gives a fuck and some BB callbacks to perk everyone up once in a while. Yes the acting is good but there is no suspense and very little has happened other than insight into Jimmy’s character. Think of all the major things that have happened over 3 seasons and compare it to any other show. What have we? Jimmy vs Chuck took 3 years to get to any sort of climax. We had the establishing of Mike and Jimmy’s relationship and where has that really gone? A couple of favours exchanged? Weve had a few cool mike sidequests but what has come out of it?

I enjoy the slow burn that it’s been and not rushing to reach an inevitable conclusion. I remember when this thread started and everyone was calling him Saul and now it’s hard to not call him Jimmy. This is why I liked this past episode so much too. We’ve been rooting (at least those of us that like the show) for Jimmy for so long that seeing him do something so sleazy to a woman that doesn’t deserve it brings back the hard reality that Jimmy lives up to everything Chuck (and Howard in this same episode) called him out for being.

All that being said, I am very interested to see how Jimmy and Kim’s relationship will end. She’s the last person on his side that generates any good out of him, I’m sure that without her, he is 100% Saul Goodman.

I sorta agree. Jimmy’s journey is not as exciting as Mike’s.

Well Mike is just a much better and interesting character, I think everybody likes Mike over Jimmy because Mike is more in line of what made BB cool and has most of the action elements, where as Jimmy is just drama/comedy.

Jimmy is just such a slow burn but also nothing but a back and forth with his brother. Mike’s story actually moves forward.

It’s not that bad. Much much better than Gustavo’s; that’s pretty awful Spanish.

Super scumbag Jimmy has officially reached the point of no return, and worst of all is his self-deception. he claims it’s for the old ladies and seems to genuinely tries to believe that, but his despicable actions shows the full lengths he’s willing to go for money. Now all those times he got roughed up and intimidated into risking his life doesn’t seem as bad as before.

I also liked how he still made sure he wasn’t giving that poor old lady any legal advice on the matter to avoid culpability.

And then there’s poor Kim working herself to near death and ruin, finally getting a wink of sleep at the worst possible moment. I will admit I did get a little turned on by how quickly she figured out how to get her car out of the sandy rut, a subtle hint at her small town beginnings.

My favorite part of the ep was when Mike found out that Gustavo is treating him like a special little snowflake.

So stop watching it. I don’t understand people who watch a show and just bitch about it week after week. I quit Walking Dead after season 4 because it became dumb as shit and had been for quite some time. If it’s boring to you find something else better to do with your time on Mondays.

I like the slow, character development that this show does extremely well. Sure some episodes are slower than others, but that is how TV goes. But then again I’m not part of the ADD generation that needs to always be looking at their phone with a 2 second attention span.

I think some people forget just how slow and methodical Breaking Bad moved at some points too. That show wasn’t non-stop action with in your face plot movement.

People are allowed to critique the show.

I don’t think Jimmy really believed that it was best for the old ladies to settle ASAP, so I don’t see any self deception there. He was right though, if they drag it out for years, how much better is it when many of the clients will die before seeing a cent?

Well I’ll put it this way: I’m already invested and feel like next season might be THE season I finally get what I’ve wanted all along. I went into the series expecting some Saul Goodman ultimate sleazy criminal lawyer antics and its just been a slow tease to that. I appreciate the added backstory, layers, and depth but its been dangled in front of us for too long at this point IMO. This week we definitely got a taste but in general we have known where its going and waiting for the payoff has been a bit frustrating. I also want to see more of the post-breaking bad storyline.

Also, I haven’t bitched about it week after week that post was really where I finally got frustrated and just wanted to voice it. Cool?

Now I don’t think the show is without its positives. I’m not simply a masochist who is watching the show to torment myself and hate on it. The acting is great and there are some really emotional resonant moments that keep me going. Jimmy is a great character and all the easter eggs have been enjoyable. To address your last point: if you compare S1 Walter to s3 HEISENBERG you cant really make the argument that Jimmy to Saul has moved at even a fraction of the pace.