Chuns: Majorboy, Sabrina (if they’re not playing Cammy), Nuki777, ei2000
Cammy: ANGRYPoongko, Sabrina, Cobelcog (note these are probably straight up the best 3 Cammys in the world)
Ryu: Dracaufeu, Fourwude, Sildenafl, Damdai, Nacer, DAIGO UMEHARA
Nash: Kyo_Anton, Yukadon, Gamerbee, RZRInfiltration, Bazoukha
Vega: Timely Howard, PR-Balrog
Bison: Phenom, Galtu, TampaBison, Gagapa, GoldenCen
Rashid: aaaaaaaaaa (yep), Gachikun maybe
Zangief: Hotaru, Quatttro, KBTlT810 (it’s an L in the middle), cool kid 93, BrickSWE
Ken: pH_Jame, ryo74sf
Laura: Ginodacampo, xWolfkronex, whatever ChrisG’s handle is (just look at a VOD), SonicFox
Karin: Mago2dgod, Ahochimpanzee
FANG: Kanichin, ON_KGB|Fidoskin
Birdie: Itazan, Fridzmaster, KungFuJesus
R. Mika: CaptainTiger, TheMayor
Necalli: Nimo_0, Gamerbee, PR-Balrog
Dhalsim: TSSabin, fchampryan, dain111
A lot of these guys you can find on twitch