Best/Worst Specials?

it takes a lot of factors to judge how “good” a move is, but i would have to say overall utility is the biggest factor

also, we should only be judging special moves purely based on their own merits

blanka elec is a meter builder, anti air, combos off of low jump cross ups, has great set up afterwards, gives +10 on block, chip damage, low risk, etc. etc. etc. etc.

you give blanka elec to any char, and they move up a lot in the rankings

sonic boom is pretty self explanatory

gief may not be that good by himself, but 1 frame spd with huge range is one of the best tools ever. imagine if like blanka had that shit

EDIT: late rc boom as AA against kgroove, so they have to block it on the ground. they then have to block a million things and get pushed out again with way less guard bar, same as if cgroove airblocks it

Well, Guile’s recovery alone makes airblocking in C about even, K about even, those are both tight for both sides on the "Should I stay or should I go."
P at least C-Guile can fight based on his merits and having the roll to move around with.
I think two button activation though > RC Boom anti-air.

edit: Beaten by Buktooth.

I had a brain fart, sorry about that. almost all of the good RC AA moves can be airblocked haha.

Buktooth beat me to it :frowning:

rc dust is really really good too. if jd’ed, cancel into snake arm and delay it incase they try to jd that.

dude im sorry to hear that, you should move to California and get hitched hahaha

Maybe this works in Korea but not in the good ol U.S.A. (yes it does)

I dont think projectiles can be rated the same, cause while some suck as far as controlling and pressuring, they can be very good to pressure after a knockdown, getting very good frame advantage. Not to mention some projectiles are very good when close. Ex in the corner, rock shift, grab, break, xx double reppuken. Hell you can even combo after Morrigans air fireball in the corner.

If we’re keeping it to just best and worst, what are the worst? Off the top of my head:
-Sakura short hop overhead thing with no use (mentioned)
-Cammy’s horrible electric slide
-Mai’s flame pillar (mentioned)
-Morrigan’s fly off the screen into oblivion super
-Eagle’s overhead is really close to being completely useless but there are occasional rc applications or CC reset applications
-Ryo’s jumping overhead karate chop
-Rolento’s steel rain (honestly, wtf were they thinking?)

There aren’t that many completely useless specials in this game now that I think about it. Some are seriously flawed like burn knuckle, power dunk (follow ups on his supers) and Haomaru’s fireball but they have some use.

Morrigan’s teleport super is probably the best evasive move in the game, she is barely vunerable at the end, and you can control where she goes and have the option of attacking with frame advantage hit or blocked (Ive actually seen Buk hit someone with it and combo xx Eagle’s overhead is good in his AA cc, and you can do it after a kick throw to be pushed far away (which I guess isnt that useful but still). Burn knuckle if blocked from some certain ranges can be hard to hit back. I don’t know if it’s been mentioned but dan’s tigerknee lk gale is good, sim’s teleport too.

Are you sure about that? I have never ever seen it used effectively and have never seen a single youtube vid where it connects. It seemed to me just looking at it that she was fully vulnerable to counter-hits on her return back as long as you’re fast enough to react to it. I don’t see any invulnerability frames in the guidebook on her return either but I do see the +11 frame advantage (if it hits).

It’s nice to get out of the corner and for some other situational stuff. The goal isn’t to hit with it, just to reposition yourself. If she DOESN’T throw out the drill follow up, then she’s invincible till she lands. It’s really hard (impossible?) to punish her when she lands. It’s not the most useful move in the world, but it DOES have it’s uses.

Ah makes sense. Guess it does have its uses to escape corner. Thanks for the info, didn’t realize.

She is like at -4, really hard to hit, but I believe an example I read awhile back was have her teleport into blanka’s electricity and she gets hit. Like I said I’ve seen Buk use it.

Funny that you mention it…Poongko in Korea does that crap. It’s insulting in a funny way and of course he activates afterwards to make that (roll —> tackle) worth the risk. That guy has fancy setups/combos all over the place but he’ll still do that crap! :arazz: Anyway I was just attempting comedy…how are you man. I’m in KL now. :encore:

good, still living in socal. you? whats KL?