I realize some of this will be foreign to those who haven’t used camtasia, but I am wanting to get my krec files in a format that can watched a bit more easily for learning purposes. I am using camtasia (since fraps appears not to work) and am wondering what the best settings are for recording krec files played back in nfba. Right now I am using 60 frames per second, manual configuration, locking it to application and using full screen as my size.
My questions are:
Should use the “lock to application option”?
Is 60 frames per second a good frame rate for the player? This is what 3s runs at, I am pretty sure.
Should I use a preset size, or use full screen?
What audio settings should I use in order to get sound? (currently vids do not have sound)
(Here is what I have available as sources: MIDI Synth, Auxiliary 2, Line-in 2/ Mic 2, S-PDIF-in, CD-Digital, Analog Mix, Microphone, Wave)
Thanks for any and all help you might give. I know it’s a pretty specific problem, but I am not sure how others are getting their vids in a format that is uploadable to youtube, for example.
I’m using the latest NFBA.