Best Uppercut in the game

Which uppercut is the best in CVS2?

I have to say Ryo’s light punch Kohou has to be the best uppercut in the game. It will beat almost everything. It has a very strange hitbox. And it “hangs,” you can do the light version before the opponent even jumps and then they jump in to you and get hit.

Depends on what on want to do.
Sagat’s Uppercut is good against P/K-groove (5 hits), Kyo’s Uppercut has a lot of horizontal range, Sakura’s Uppercut does good chip damage.
Also, are you talking about regular uppercuts? Or do RC uppercuts count too?

I’m really talking about the best overall uppercut thats good for ground and anti-air use. Even after all this time playing CVS2, I STILL can’t really roll cancel. But most of the time, I play K and S grooves so I don’t really need it anyway.

Joes might not be the best, but has TONS OF invencible frames, can even beat lvl3 and lotsa RCs-

Also, Ryu and Ken lp DP are Really good, i saw ryu dp stuff sagat hotfoot once (lvl3) :rofl:

For me it’s Sagat’s, no contest for overall most effective.

Damage is good, invuln, 5 hits for annoyance against P/K AND meter building as well as reaching far enough horizontally to work in combos, with more than enough time after wards to set up for oki game.

ground and anti air use? vegaclaw?


by a mile

well he said overall good for ground and anti air use, so sagat is good and can combo but i dont think its good for anti air use ( i dont know i dont really use him )

so i say vegaclaw


by a mile

why the fuck would vega’s dumb ass flip kick be the best uppercut? That shit sucks. It’s not a very good reversal, its not that great as anti-air, I guess it’s pretty easy to RC but still… ewww.

man i ment vegas crouch fierce, how could you think i was talking about his flip kick when its no use on ground :confused:

Unless preceded by the word “Mexican,” an uppercut is a special move (usually a punch move, but Cammy’s is usually called an “uppercut,” although in her case it was a gradual shortening of the term “uppercut kick”).

BTW, Sagat’s is the best.

bodler is too much

oooh, ok… yea sagat:sweat:

Sagats, a 5 hit with some nice range.



Ken, Iori and Akuma DP are pretty good too…

Sagat. and if its the same as all the other games, hitbox starts damn near the ground, and iirc it is like a 3 frame dp. Great range also.

tiger uppercut doesnt escape sakuras cc =[