Best Strider/Doom teams

Lately I’ve been usin’ Sentinel and he owns with this team i tried Omega Red even though I’m not too big wit OR he’s aight and i tried Spidey, wit Capture he can set-up Strider’s trap wit Doom plus he build bar quite well. I tried Ruby but since I know nothin about her I can’t stay.

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damn that list is ugly. But from that list, I’ll vote Sent.

Yeah man, you gotta remember the characters like Ken, Cyke and Cammy who’ve got those awesome AA’s.

I choose Pyslocke out of that list. I didn’t notice Cable on the list. If I saw him I would have chosen him instead.

Personally I like Tron as my 3rd. Strider/Tron can rack up the damage sooooo fast than you also have Strider/Doom trap.

That list was preety bad for the most part.

blackheart/strider/doom work??

yea shitty list

  1. sent
  2. cable
  3. storm?
  4. cyke?
  5. ironman - crazy and cheap at the same time.

seen kai play cyke with a pretty good gameplan. Never really tried it but cyke behind s\d is god like.

No list needed. Sentinel all the way. IMO no team in marvel is good without Sentinel except for MSP because that’s a random ass team. Sentinel just offers so much. A good Strider doesn’t need those anti airs. Picking other characters makes your risk playing with strider increase. Sentinel is insurance and can destroy entire teams. Plus he has a great comback factor. Other assists may be good for one special reson, but for all around greatness, Sentinel takes it hands down. People
look for a different third character when they feel their Sentinel isn’t good enough. What they fail to relize is that learning Sentinel pays off greatly : )

Be careful out there!

Storm would be very formidable, just because she has solid runaway and meter building would have a great covering ground assist and in the event strider were to die storm can make comebacks on her own pretty well. But any third relies heavily on your skill with them, there is no instant good s/d team when you tack on Sentinel, unless you put sentinel last and never use him on point.

For the list:
Any Top4
cammy,ken,jin AAA’s
everyone else

dont know if you know this but s\cable\d is one hit kill on assist. Majority of the time s\s\d is probably the best team but againt teams like scrubclops or matrix\santhrax, s\c\d is the better choice IMO. One wrong assist call = that assist just died. You lose zone but all you have to do is catch cyclops\any other assist once and if you play smart its game over. Also cable can fight storm better than sent can. Ill be at ECC this coming year. you can check out my s\c\d and see what I mean.

That team is horrendous. Seriously, do you think that team can fight storm better than sentinel? Cable with Doom against storm?? You have two people on a team that need meter to function properly. IMO, that team is a total dissaster, but yeah, thats cool, I’m curious to see it at ECC.

yes I do. Its not sent doom vs storm. Its sent\doom vs storm+AA big difference. Sent\doom cant do ne thing against say storm\cyke or psy to name a few. Counter call all day till you die. Happened to clock against wong on the evo 2k2 dvd. It was all wong did against sent and when strider came in dhc game. C\D gives you trap options plus the option to beam. If you know cable and you know how to block, theres no reason why c\s\d cant be as good as s\s\d. I think c\s\d is better for some matchups.

fastforward to about 20mins and youll see eddie play (c\s\d.) Im not quite sure who hes facing but one of the matches looks like hes playing yipes to me. I also want to say he play wigg but im not sure. Eddie goes on a win streak and you can really see how effective c\s\d is. You can tell thats eddie lee because of those damn blocking skills. Hes really patient with it and he knows what to do. Even though I think his trap could be a little crisper, he plays so damn smart that it doesnt matter. Eddie is playing storms constanly in this video and owning them with cable and the people hes facing dont look like scrubs to me…

and no the team is not horrendous. s\s\d make for a better team overall. c\s\d gives you a better duo in cable\doom and AA. Theres nothing wrong with giving strider AA.

Okay…You overrate Storm/cyke. Sentinel and Doom do better against that team than Cable/Doom. Now I don’t know how watching those videos helps. It doesn’t proove anything. Storm can run all day. ALL DAY. It’s so easy to play this match safe with Storm. Do you understand that you can get around counter assisting? It’s not the end of the world. It would have been even worst for clock if he used Cable against Wong. Cable loses to rush down. Plain and simple. He can win with a little work, but Sentinel doesn’t need that much work. You lure storm to you when you play Sentinel. I wrote something about fighting against cyke assist in some thread here. There are ways to get around these assists. Cable doesn’t work. He needs meter. Strider needs meter. Doesn’t work. Maybe your Sent/Doom isn’t as good as your Cable/Doom (since Cable is an easier character to use), but trust me, Sent/Doom is better in a million ways. Sentinel has too much to offer, while Cable has maybe like two things the most.

Hasn’t Eddie Lee always played Cable/Doom? So I guess it’s easy for him to work that team than others.

He has, vur No, he hasen’t always picked Cable/Strider/Doom, infact, he plays Storm/Strider/Doom WAY more than Cable/Strider/Doom. I go to ctf where he use to play at, I should know. Then again, watching him play also is the reason why I’m saying what I’m saying. He doesn’t do well against certain teams (storms) with Cable and burns way too much meter. I’ve seen him in lots of trouble because of his rapid meter burning.

strider is too manly to use whiny broads like storm on his team. whats the point of using strider when depending on that biatch would just make him look like a chump. just use sent, cause he looks cool in black :devil:

I like using storm against mag teams,but over all… sent/s/d is the best strider team.


the team can catch runaway storm (capcom assist), it gives you an answer for sent/cyc or sent/capcom stomping on your face all day (capcom assist), and it adds some power to strider air combos (launch + assist into air combo). the only glaring problem with this team would be magneto snap-back. also, you’re putting a TON of faith in your strider, but all strider/doom teams pretty much fall apart once strider dies.

any opinions on that team?

For real
Dhalsim/Strider/Tron I’m gonna make it work LOL

it’s a good team, but cyke is way better.

strider/cable/doom is good